homework May 15-18

I am not giving you traditional homework this week. We will still have spelling words. We will work on them in class. Let’s take a homework break for now. Take time to go for a walk, ride your bike, play a game with your brother or sister, and help both your mom and dad do something. Enjoy being a kid.

Summer Reading Programs

Don’t forget to read over the summer. Here are some fun programs the librarian found and some of them have cool incentives too! Plus, if you log in your time through scholastic and our school has the most minutes we get in some kind of record book!

Scholastic information:
Screen Shot 2017-05-10 at 8.14.24 AM
Here is how to get your account set up:
The instructions for getting started are as follows:

1. Go to this web site: www.scholastic.com/ups/campaigns/src-2017
2. Go to “Kids and Families” in the blue box and click “Go Now”
3. The box on the right gives the option to “register here” or “login”, click on “login”.  (They’re already registered)
4. Type in your username and password given to you by scholastic, (see above photo – if you click on it, it will become bigger so you can see the information needed)
5. It will then ask the kiddos to type in a new password and answer a security question – fill in the appropriate info & submit.  Make sure your write down the new password or print the page with the info on it.
6. Start logging your minutes!

The next one is for Barnes & Noble.  All you do is print off a reading journal, read 8 books and fill out a little bit of info for each, then take the journal into the store & pick out a free book.  Too easy!!  Here is the link for the journal. They have an English & Spanish version available.

There is also supposed to be some information coming from the public libraries too. I will pass that information along as soon as I have it.

Homework May 1-4

This week, we have the SAGE Writing test. We also have an Art truck coming on Monday. That will be fun. Friday is early out and there’s  a school carnival that night from 4:30-8:30 be sure to come. I just hope the weather is better for it this year than last year.

Your vocab/HFSW for this week are: annual; entrance; frontier; indicate; prefer; response; shallow; complete; develop; limb.

I will give you 2 assignments that are review on Front Row Ed to complete. Remember to stay with me  – there are 99 days left. 🙂

Here is your article for the week. 1060_dead_zone
Also practice your songs. They are linked on the blog, just scroll down and do each one once. It would make your dear teacher happy.

Pictures, program, dress down

Spring pictures were sent home today. If you don’t want any of the pictures, just return the packet to the school. If there are pictures you want, keep the ones you want, pay for them and return the rest to the school.

Program – 4th grade is going to do a special program, Thursday, May 11th at 6:30 in the Q2 gym. We hope you and your student will be able to make it so you can see what they have been working so hard on.

Dress down – Tomorrow Friday, April 28 is dress down for $1.