April 24 Homework

My poor students, you will still be having spelling tests. I want to keep things as normal as possible for as long as possible.

Your HFSW this week are: alert; blend; shabby; crafty; carefree; meadow; entire; frequent; humble; precious.

I will have two assignments for you on FRED. They will be review.
Here is your reading article Article
Let’s have a great week together. Every moment counts. Friday is dress down and early out!

Testing schedule

Dear wonderful parents,
SAGE testing begins this week. Please feed your child breakfast and make sure they get a good night’s sleep so they can do their very best. They are so much more than a test score to me (and you), but I still want them to show just how smart they are. Here is our SAGE testing schedule:

April 24 1:50-2:50
April 25 1:00-2:00

May 1 10:45-11:45
May 2 10:50-11:50

May 8 10:45-11:45
May 10 10:45 – 11:45

May 15 10:35-11:35
May 17 10:35-11:35

If your child must be absent during this time there are make-up times available, but they really do best if they can test with peers. If you have questions or concerns please email me. Thank you!

STEM – Titanic

On Friday we will be building our replica of Titanic rooms. If you have any doll furniture or fabric you would like to donate to this project please bring it to school. I have plenty of colored paper for wallpapers for your Titanic rooms. If you want something more fancy than construction paper, you would need to bring that. Titanic rooms will be returned to you at the end so you don’t need to worry that you are losing your furniture, it should come back to you. You might also be able to find some paper doll beds online that you can your partner could color for your rooms.

Due April 28: Your Titanic biography on the person you are studying. This is the due date. Reports not done at this time will be given a 0 grade. Please feel free to share your report with your parents so they can see how you are doing. All you need to do is sign into google drive. There is a link to go to the google drive on the blog. Remember Google saves your work for you. See you in the classroom!

Science update

Dear wonderful parents,
I hope there wasn’t confusion for you that the science test appeared on the blog. I put the science test on the blog so the students could take it electronically. This was an in class assignment and I wouldn’t want students to do a test at home. I would have taken it down earlier, but not all students in class have had opportunity to take it. I wish I could have put it on Google Classroom to avoid confusion, but their format won’t support the test. Sorry for any confusion this caused you.
Mrs. Stone

Homework April 10

Welcome back from Spring Break! I hope you enjoyed your time off and are ready to come back to work!

HFSW this week: weary; portion; tradition; envy; arena; modest; desire; concern; surface; request

There are two assignments for you to do on Front Row Ed. Please get those done so you don’t have to miss recess to do them.

Here is your article for the week
Amusement park