Fifth Disease

We have had a few cases of fifths disease going around our class. You can google search for this. It looks like a sunburn on the cheeks. It is a virus so the body’s immune system needs to fight it off. I have been disinfecting the classroom with wipes and I am going to buy more lysol for the classroom this weekend. Here is a link if you want to read about this virus.


Wonderful parents,
I hate asking for supplies. I really do, and most times will just go buy them myself. However, I decided to ask this time first. We are running low on the following items and anything will help:

skinny expo markers (not the fat ones, we use the skinny ones for the student’s timings)

We are also looking for large empty kleenex boxes for a project we are doing in April (more information on that later). So if you happen to have any large empty kleenex boxes you aren’t using please send them.
Thank you!

Homework March 6-9

March 6th is National Oreo Cookie day! Yea! Perfect excuse to have an oreo.
Your homework this week is going to be 2 math assignments on Front Row.
I am going to give you what are called challenge words. So we are done with the 4th grade HFSW and now we are moving to words you should know and use in your vocabulary. This week is:
accurate; baggage; calculate; eager; flexible; hail; impact; peer; resist; sole

The reading passage and questions are for some strange reason not on the same page, so when you are ready for the questions see them below!
  • _____  1. The author wrote this
    a. to get towns to expand their recycling centers.

  • b. to get the reader to reuse, reduce and recycle.

  • c. to explain the problems with recycling.
    d. to invite the reader to the Garbage Museum.

  • _____  2. The following is an example of reducing:
    a. bringing newspapers to a recycling center.

  • b. using plastic bags as small garbage bags.

    c. using less water when you shower.

  • d. all of the above.

  • _____  3. The following is an example of reusing:

  • a. using fewer napkins when you eat.

    b. using less water when you brush your teeth.
    c. bringing cans back to a recycling center.
    d. washing zip top bags after use so they can be used again.

  • _____  4. People made more trash in the 2000s than before. This is because

  • a. food had more packaging than in the early 1900s.

    b. there were more people than in the early 1900s.

  • c. there were more stores than in the early 1900s.

  • d. landfills were bigger than in the early 1900s.

  •  5. Give an example of recycling. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

See you in the classroom!

Staker-Parson’s activity

March 8th the 4th grade will be having an outreach rocks program with Staker-Parsons. This local business is so generous to come present to our 4th grade students at no cost to us! The students will be learning about how rocks are used in our world and how they are mined out of the ground. They will be digging in chocolate chip cookies during this activity and may eat their cookies when they are done, if given permission.
Permission slip