December 12-16

Good news! No homework this week.
Bad news! I expect you to read and record it on the library website.
We have a lot going on this week. We will be busy in the classroom. Some things to keep track of and remember:
Tuesday – Rendezvous items due.
Thursday – Rendezvous – parents are invited. Starts at 1:30.
Friday – Your dear teacher will be gone graduating with her Master’s! The lovely Mrs. Sumner will be here for you.
Class parties will be this day. Parents are invited, but no help is needed in my room. Parties are expected to start around 10. Sing-a-long will be in the morning, followed with party, and lunch. Early out. Enjoy your break and have a very Happy Holiday! 🙂

Pizza and Book order

Please check email that you signed up to use with the school. Fourth grade had the most students sign up for the Rudolph Run and your child needs your permission to eat pizza. You should have an email with a link to a google form that will allow them to have the pizza.

Book orders are due tomorrow if you want to order any books for Christmas! If you want them as a gift please let me know so I don’t send them home with your child.


Hello my Scholars!
This week there will be 2 assignments on Front Row for you to do. We are going to spend more time on fractions and then we will move onto multiples and factors.

HFSW: temperature, forward, material, general, difficult, cover, pair, huge, ride, region

Your sort list for the week  lesson-8

Here’s something that makes me happy. However, WHY does the kitten need to be in the tree? It’s fake! Kitten

Book order & Angel Tree

Wonderful parents,
The last book order for this year (2016) is out. It is due December 7th. If you see books that you would like to have as a gift, please email me and I will hold the books for you to come pick up.

Also in the Q2 office there is an Angel Tree. If you have interest or funds in your pocket and would like to shop for any “angels” that need gifts, stop by and grab an ornament. Those are due back to the Q2 office by December 13th!


Wonderful parents, if you follow classroom dojo, there’s going to be a change to how your child’s points will be calculated for the month of December. Since we are doing the Mountain Man Rendezvous and creating a classroom economy where they will get to spend this money, I am giving them $5 Rendezvous bucks in the morning and $5 in the afternoon. This appears on their Dojo in a 5 point chunk. I don’t think parents see points, but I do think you see what the reward was for. Then, throughout the day if the student is doing something they should not be doing, they will lose bucks. They might lose a point for talking, or being off task. The only real change to this is the $5 they are getting in the morning and the afternoon will be the rewards, and then losing points will still be the same. So instead of just rewarding them with points, I am just giving them the points ahead of time. These points will translate into Rendezvous dollars they can spend at our Rendezvous.

All parents will be invited to the Rendezvous. More information on that is to come. Be sure to be working on those Rendezvous projects! Thank you for all you do for your wonderful students!

Fun Run

The grades with the most registrations get a pizza party. So far 1st and 9th grade are winning. You get donuts and hot chocolate at the end not to mention a fun bag of goodies! Mrs. and Mr. Stone will be out to walk this event. If you can make it please consider registering and doing this. It is sure to be fun for the entire family! Here are the forms:flyer registrationform-copy

Homework Nov. 14-18

Our Thanksgiving break is almost here! Can you believe it? I can’t, but I can tell you I am really looking forward to it!
November 18 Deadline for Rudolph the Reindeer run at a discounted cost
November 21-25 NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving break

Here’s your homework for the week. We are still working on division in class. We’ve worked hard on it, but we just need to get a little better.  You will have two assignments do to do on Front Row.
Your HFSW for the week are: practice, wait, believe, arm, hat, act, ring, teeth, spent, section
