Homework November 7-11

High frequency sight words for the week: therefore, century, nose, silver, fight, cross, sharp, coast, pass, action.

There are two Front Row ed assignments with division to do. Make sure last week’s work is done or you will be on on Tuesday to do them.

Here is your sort for the week:

Let’s have an awesome week together!

POQA Baskets

If you can donate we’d be grateful. This raffle goes to help pay for field trips. Students love field trips, but they are incredibly expensive. Just to give you an idea, when we went to This is the Place in Salt Lake City the bus cost was over $700. screen-shot-2016-11-01-at-7-55-27-am

Homework Oct 31-Nov 4

For this week, you will have two assignments on Front Row Ed.

Here are your HFSW: amount, result, team, corner, produce, meant, brother, race, ahead, wrong

We are doing a FULL week of homework. 🙂
Please bring me how many pages you read this month signed by mom or dad and I will get you your free pizza coupon!

Here’s your sort.
sort words

Front Row announcement

Dear wonderful parents,
We use Front Row for homework but also at times for in class tests. If you see an orange box that says “benchmark assessment” please DO NOT make your child do those at home. Those are assignments that are intended to be done IN CLASS. Doing them at home invalidates the results, and I end up either having to reset the test for your child, or find an alternate assignment for them do to.

At home I want them doing the adaptive practice and assignments that are on there. Those are always in blue or purple. Thank you for helping your child with homework. I greatly appreciate it!