Homework Oct 24-27

This week is spirit week! You still have homework (Boo – I know). You will have two assignments to do on Front Row Ed. Please make sure to do those because if they are not done you may have to stay in at recess and finish them.
Friday will be a costume parade, I will post more details on that at a later date, and there will be a party. It is also a 1/2 day. Parents are more than invited to come attend one or both events.
Here is your sort for the week.
Your Sort

Parent/Teacher conferences

Thursday, October 27th is parent/teacher conferences. At Quest we have conferences once a month. Conferences go from 3:30 to 5:30. I have conferences in 20 minute increments. I will contact you if I need to see you specifically. Otherwise, feel free to use this link to sign up if you would like to see me and discuss how your child is doing. Thank you.

Homework October 17th

Your homework this week is to…read. Read 20 minutes a night! If you have sometime get on reflex math. Remember your sign in is kstone, then just find your name and enter in your password. You should remember your password. I’ll give you a hint, it’s a plural noun that starts with r. No school Thursday and Friday. Enjoy your break!

Book It Reading Log

As a class your students decided they wanted to read 250 pages per month to get their Pizza Hut Book It coupons. I told them to keep track of the pages read each month using a sticky note on the fridge or a note by their bed so they can write down their pages. At the end of each month they bring the log back to me, initialed by a parent, and earn their coupon. I would have done this electronically via a google doc or form, but they wanted a paper log. I have printed this paper log on obnoxious orange paper for your convenience. If you lose it, here is a copy you can print out and use. Thank you for your wonderful children!
reading log

Homework Oct 3-7

Two assignments for you to do on Front Row Ed. One should be a review of what we did last week and the other assignment will be some new things (#28 & #68). Go to classroom google and do your work there.

HFSW for this week: describe, equal, value, contain, product, key, fit, gas, kitchen, type

Lesson 1