Field trip -Thursday

Time for field trip #2 is upon us! This one will be done very similar to the last one.
Buses leave at 8:45 so be on time tomorrow.
Shoes – wear good walking shoes (NO high heels – to my student who likes to wear them).
Lunch – bring a small backpack you can carry your lunch in just like last time.
Parents – you will again be able to check your children out to ride there with you if you want, ride back with you (if they want to ride the bus there), or you can even ride the bus with us. I will give you a few wonderful kids to help me keep track of. This helps a lot to make sure we don’t lose anyone! We plan to leave at 1:30 to return to the school.

Spelling test – this will be on Monday. I did not realize this was a short week until I had already given out and planned tests and word lists.

Questions – Please email me The blog doesn’t let me know when I have a comment so I usually don’t see things until later.
Thanks for all you do!

Homework Oct 19

Sunflowers and stars
Kyle, Madison, Jetson, Micah, Reese, Maya, Avena, Marlen, Joe, Caden, Jaricho, Avery, Abigail, Savannah, Brooklin

Takada, Jacob, JJ, Alex F, Andrew, Austin

Raina, Trinity, Kinsey, Will, Landon

Green Apple

Keep reading 20 minutes and using front row ed for math. Please don’t spend more than 10-20 minutes a night on math. If you have done your time and haven’t gone to the Piggy store yet, just get out of it and go outside and be a kid!

Field trip request

If you have not paid your field trip money to the office, please do so. So far, we do not have enough money to pay for the buses for the field trip. It is easier on our office ladies too if the money is paid in advance and not the day of. If you have any questions please let me know. Remember tomorrow is early out, and we are off Thursday and Friday.

Oct. 12 Homework

There is no word sort this week. (I know, I feel your sadness!!). There is still homework.
Reading – Read 20 minutes per night.
Math – Go to the school website and click on Front Row Ed (you can also get to Front Row Ed from the homework page – I updated it!). Go to math, click Geometry, click on Adaptive Practice and work until you get to the Piggy Store. (Remember – I can see how much time you spend on Front Row and what you are working on.)
Make sure that you read 100 minutes this week. You don’t need to do Front Row on Thursday or Friday. Enjoy Fall Break and I will see you Monday! Be safe!

Targeted Tutoring

From time to time you will get an email from me notifying you that your child needs tutoring. They can only come to tutoring if they are invited. Tutoring is Monday and Thursday from 3-3:30. As soon as your child reaches 80% on whatever we were working on that they are low in, they no longer need tutoring. Please make sure to check your email because on Fridays I will usually let you know if your child needs tutoring. If you don’t get an email, they are fine.Thank you keeping these appointments if at all possible. We are just trying to help kids from struggling with math in the future.
P.S. There will be a change coming to math homework. Stay tuned and check back on Monday!


As I was able to those that I saw at conference, your children should know how to do their homework. I trained them in class. My goal was for homework to be their responsibility not yours. However, the one big issue I am having with homework is names. Some students have sent in their homework faithfully, but there’s no name. If there’s no name I have no way of having any idea who did it. Some of the students have even submitted the homework more than one time and put their name on it each time! So, all I am asking is if you happen to see your child submitting their homework please ask them if they remembered to put their name in the box. Also, if you see a homework grade and you dislike it, it’s highly likely the reason is because of the mystery homework that had no name. If there’s no name I can’t give a grade. Thank you for your children, they are fabulous!

Field Trip

The field trip is tomorrow, but I am sure you knew that by the very excited fourth grader coming home to you! For this field trip it is crucial they be to school on time! We will be getting on the bus at 8:45. If you are coming, you are welcome to check out your child and drive or check your child out after the trip and drive them back, or ride the bus with us.
home lunch
a backpack to put your home lunch in
book (optional to pass time on the bus)
wear a red shirt if at all possible
Good shoes. We will be walking on dirt paths.
If you are volunteering, I will assign some kids to you. I will give you the list in the morning. I look forward to seeing you all that are coming tomorrow!