Odds and Ends

We have had a FANTASTIC week! We are already on an adventure of learning! Here are just a few odds and ends for you to know:
POQA – Send in those box tops. They stopped accepting the coke bottle tops. Apparently, coke was not letting them enter in enough points per week to keep up with the number of tops we had coming in. If you’d like you can still enter those points yourself and donate them to the school.
Treasure – I am giving students rewards for their dojo points. After they earn 20 points, they get to have a prize from the treasure box. This could be why you will see your child’s points change. This might also be why you see “treasure points” if you look at the individual behavior. I clear all the points when they get the treasure, it they had over 20 points, it clears all the points and then I just make sure to add in the points they had before it cleared them all. For example, today someone had 29 points. I cleared her points, but I didn’t want her to lose those 9 points. So I had to add back in those 9 points as “treasure points.”
Prizes – if you have small cast off prizes at home you’d love to get rid of, I just might love to have them. The kids adore tiny stuffed toys that are so small they fit in the palm of your hand. Someone’s trash can be another person’s treasure. I’m even willing to take them home and run them through the wash machine if needed.
Volunteers – If you get this before Tuesday and you are available Tuesday morning when school starts come see me! I have a student who needs tested, it might be 15-30 minutes. I also wanted names taken off my bulletin board, and papers taken out of my ziploc quilt. I don’t have anything new to put up yet, but I will soon. Please come in so I can put you to work. I can’t promise how much time you will get, but I’d love to have you. I also am going to have a parent start coming in regularly on Friday to take care of doing treasure box for the kiddos who have 20 points. If that sounds like the job you’d like, let me know. We can even rotate it if needed. It would be a very quick job. Probably only 30 minutes or less. You would get my treasure box along with a list of who had enough dojo points for a prize that week. You could call a couple kiddos to get a prize, and then send them back in to put that prize away.
Reminder – no school Monday. Have a great Labor Day!

Front Row Ed

Today we got on the laptops in class and learned how to use Front Row Ed. The students were pretty excited about it. It shows their progress on a lesson and they can see where their peers are. This is going to be something we will be using for homework. If they would like to practice at home, they can get to Front Row Ed from student links on our website. They need to sign in using first and last name. Lastly, they need the class code. The class code is r7gzwf. Thanks for wonderful students!

Dress down & box tops

Super parents!
I hope your students are all enjoying my class. I am enjoying them! They are super. Just a couple items:
Dress down: Tomorrow is our first dress down day (remember: short day). Please make sure they have appropriate attire if they choose to participate. Tomorrow’s dress down is bring a can of food for the food bank or bring $1.

Box tops: Bring me your box tops! Third grade has declared box top war! The grade with the most box tops gets a FREE dress down and a FREE pizza party and we want to win!

Dojo: If you haven’t signed up for classroom dojo to see how your kiddo is doing please do so. I even sometimes am able to send pictures of the fun we are having here.

If you need anything don’t hesitate to contact me.


Dear wonderful Parents,
When you signed your children up for school, one of the items you would have given consent to is having their pictures taken. I really enjoy putting pictures up on the blog of what the students are doing, learning, and creating. One of the things I always make sure of is that names and faces are NEVER together. We got to protect those kiddos. That being said, I am going to start taking pictures and putting them up on the blog. If you do not want your child in any of those photos, let me know. Please drop me a quick email kstone@questac.org. Keep in mind, I will never put their name and face together. Thank you for trusting me with your children.

Classroom Thoughts…

Just a quick photo from something that we did last week. I asked the students to put thought into their answers. They had great ideas on why school was important. Some chose to share with the class, others did not, but I made sure to read everyone’s comments myself. What wonderful children you all have :)! 20150819_104500


Wonderful parents, I am loving your super kids! They are fabulous! I have some laminating (it’s a bit of a lie to say “some” as it is 75 pages of math vocabulary). I am planning to split it up into 4 chunks. If some of you wonderful parents could volunteer to cut that out for me I’d be so grateful! Just contact me via email kstone@questac.org and the first 4 lucky parents get it! I can sent it home with your kiddo or just come pick it up. The main thing is that whomever has chapter 1, I need that back by Monday. Thank you in advance!


Welcome to our class! I am excited for a wonderful year with these fabulous kids I am going to meet on Back to School night. I look forward to getting to learn everyone’s names, likes and dislikes, and growing and learning together this year. I know that I am the teacher, but every year I learn something new from my students. Sometimes they notice something I hadn’t noticed before, and it’s great to see it through the eyes of a child. I will call your kid “my kid” because for 180 wonderful days they do get to become “mine.” I can’t wait to see where this year will take us together.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela