Monday, December 4th–Friday, December 8th

What we are learning…


-I can turn a fraction into a mixed number, rewrite the fraction with like denominators, and add or subtract two fractions together.
-I can read a story problem and solve it by turning the numbers into a mixed number, rewrite the fraction with like denominators, and add or subtraction two fractions together.
-Math Assessment:  5.NF.1 & 5.NF.2

Language Arts:
-I can identify the theme of a story.
-I can summarize a text orally and in writing.
-I can identify the tense of a sentence by examining the verb.
-I can identify the meaning of a sentence by examining context clues.

-I can identify what causes static electricity.
-I can identify what causes lightning.
-I can understand what causes electricity to work.
-I can identify what circuits need to be in place for a lightbulb to light up.

-I can read an information text and identify the following:
-Most important sentences the author wrote
-Key words within the text
-Summarizing the informational text by writing short paragraphs with  a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and closing sentence.

Looking Ahead…

  • Math Assessments:  Wednesday, December 6th
  • Hill Air Force Base School Fieldtrip:  Wednesday, December 13th
  • Class Christmas Party:  Friday, December 15th
  • Dress Down Day:  Friday, December 15th
  • Christmas Break:  Monday, December 18th—Tuesday, January 2nd
  • School Resumes:  Wednesday, January 3rd at 8:25 am
  • End of Second Quarter:  Friday, January 12th

Please make sure you are completing your homework. All homework assignments are due every Friday. Homework can be found by accessing my blog, and then logging into Google Classroom.