Story Telling Festival Field Trip

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On Monday, February 25th, the 5th grade will be attending the Weber State Story Telling Festival. The festival will be held at the Perry Egyptian Theater in Ogden. We will be taking busses to and from the event. Students will be attending the 9:30 and 10:30 sessions. The busses will be leaving the school promptly at 8:45am. We will be back to the school for lunch, so there is no need to pack any food. The festival will allow students to understand how to add expression and emphasis to their reading.

Each class will allow two parent chaperones to come on the field trip. Please indicate below if you would like to attend. I will randomly select the two chaperones on February 15th, and will let those who were selected know that they will be coming.

Please sign the form below letting me know if your student is allowed to attend.

Permission Form