Permission Form Needed–Valentine’s Day Party

On February 14th our class will be having our Valentine’s Party. We will be having a Valentine Card exchange in conjunction with the party. Students are welcome to bring a decorated box or bag from home. The card exchange is optional. If your student would like to participate please remember that food items are NOT allowed with the cards. Toys, pencils, erasers, etc. are allowed to accompany cards, but are not required. Any students participating will need to bring a card for each member of our class, 22 students total.

We will also be having a class party from 1:00-3:00 pm. We will be using food items as part of our party. Please click on the link below allowing permission for your student to handle and consume the following items. There will be optional items for students who are not able to have them.

Valentine’s Day Permission Form

Sign Up for 5th Grade Valentine’s Day Party

Monday, January 29th-Friday, February 2nd

What we are learning…

I can convert customary and metric units using real world problems.
I can create a line plot to display data in fraction forms.

-Language Arts: 
I can practice visualizing as  I am reading tall tales.
I can identify the author’s point of view.
I can identify synonyms and antonyms.
I can identify pronouns and antecedents.

I can read an information text and identify the following:
Most important sentences the author wrote
Key words within the text
Organize my writing to write a strong conclusion.
Summarizing the informational text by writing short paragraphs with  a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and closing sentence.

 -Mission to Mars:
I am working in my habitat group, and together we are creating a saga to present at  Weber State University.

Looking Ahead…
Biography Bookmark Due: Friday, February 9th
Valentine’s Day Party:  Wednesday, February 14th
President’s Day, No School: Monday, February 19th
Parent Teacher Conferences:  Tuesday, February 20th & Thursday, February 22nd

There is homework this week!! Homework can be found by accessing my blog, and then logging into Google Classroom. J

Biography Wax Museum Assignment

Students will choose a famous person that he/she would like to read a biography book about. After gathering information about the famous person from the book, the student will “become” that person in the form of a “statue” dressed in a costume as the famous person. Students will record each other at school using Seesaw, while presenting themselves as if they were that person.

 Below you will find a list of due dates to meet in order to complete the final product. Please read the ENTIRE document before beginning the report, so that you are aware of what is an “at-home” project and what will be completed “at-school”. 

January 24th—“At School”
The “Biography Wax Museum” assignment is assigned. Students know what type of book they need to read, the expectations of the assignment, along with what parts of the assignment are to be completed at school, and which parts are to be completed at home.

 February 9th– “At Home”
The biography book should be completely read. As students are reading, make sure to fill out the Biography Bookmark. The Biography Bookmark is due on this date. 

February 12–13th– “At School”
Each student should have his/her speech written and should begin practicing in front of an “audience” at home. Please refer to the speech guideline for a helpful outline. Speeches should not exceed two minutes.

 February 12—13th—“At Home”
Costumes should be completed and brought to school. Please try to keep these simple but believable. It is not necessary to spend money on an elaborate outfit. Look in closets at home and use your imagination to think of a way to adapt an outfit into a costume your famous person might have worn. Costumes will only be worn for the recording.  Students are still required to wear their School Uniform.  Students will record each other at school using Seesaw as they are giving their speeches. 

February 13th—15th –“At School”
Students will record each other using Seesaw, as they are reading their speeches, and dressed up in their historical costume.

 February 20th & 22nd– Parent Teacher Conferences
Students will show their parents their final project on their assigned day and time.

If you have any questions about the assignment, please let me know soon! Have fun and enjoy!!

Full Assignment 
Biography Wax Museum Assignment

Technology Hour–Wednesday

Our class has worked so hard these last few weeks, and this week is no exception. This week, we are reviewing for and taking our Language Arts Unit 3 test, along with reviewing for and taking our Long Division and Adding/Subtracting/Multiplying/Dividing Decimal test as well. WOW!! 

Since we have been working so hard, we will reward ourselves with a “Technology Hour” on Wednesday, January 24th. The students are welcome to bring an electronic device from home, but they are also welcome to use a school laptop computer or iPad. 

The students have been looking forward to this day for a long time. Way to Go!! 🙂 

Valentine’s Day Party–Permission Form Needed

On February 14th our class will be having our Valentine’s Party. We will be having a Valentine Card exchange in conjunction with the party. Students are welcome to bring a decorated box or bag from home. The card exchange is optional. If your student would like to participate please remember that food items are NOT allowed with the cards. Toys, pencils, erasers, etc. are allowed to accompany cards, but are not required. Any students participating will need to bring a card for each member of our class, 22 students total.

We will also be having a class party from 1:00-3:00 pm. We will be using food items as part of our party. Please click on the link below allowing permission for your student to handle and consume the following items. There will be optional items for students who are not able to have them.

Valentine’s Day Permission Form

Sign Up for 5th Grade Valentine’s Day Party

Monday, January 22nd–Friday, January 26th

What we are learning…

I can solve real-world fraction problems by altering recipes.
I can divide fractions by flipping the second factor.
Assessment Friday!  I can add, subtract, multiply, and divide mixed numbers.

-Language Arts: 
Unit 3 Test
   I can identify the theme in a text.
   I can identify the main idea and key details of a text.
   I can identify the author’s point of view in a text.
   I can write a summary of a text.
   I can identify the meaning of a word by using context clues in the sentence.

I can read an information text and identify the following:
Most important sentences the author wrote
Key words within the text
Organize my writing to write a strong conclusion.
Summarizing the informational text by writing short paragraphs with  a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and closing sentence.

 -Mission to Mars:
I am working in a small group to research and determine the most interesting facts about Mars.
I am demonstrating what I know about Mars by recording myself on Seesaw.
I am demonstrating what I know about Mars by creating and presenting a Google Slide Presentation.

Looking Ahead…

  • Math Assessment (Decimal Numbers):  Friday, January 26th
  • Valentine’s Day Party:  Wednesday, February 14th
  • Parent Teacher Conferences:  Tuesday, February 20th & Thursday, February 22nd

There is homework this week!! Homework can be found by accessing my blog, and then logging into Google Classroom. 

Valentine’s Day Party

On February 14th our class will be having our Valentine’s Party. We will be having a Valentine Card exchange in conjunction with the party. Students are welcome to bring a decorated box or bag from home. The card exchange is optional. If your student would like to participate please remember that food items are NOT allowed with the cards. Toys, pencils, erasers, etc. are allowed to accompany cards, but are not required. Any students participating will need to bring a card for each member of our class, 22 students total.

We will also be having a class party from 1:00-3:00 pm. We will be using food items as part of our party. Please click on the link below allowing permission for your student to handle and consume the following items. There will be optional items for students who are not able to have them.

Valentine’s Day Permission Form

Sign Up for 5th Grade Valentine’s Day Party

5th Grade Choir Club Form

The 5th Grade will begin their after school club very soon. Our club session will be “Fifth Grade Choir” with Mrs. Parr and Mrs. Young! Yay!! The club will be held every Tuesday from 3:10–3:45pm beginning Tuesday, February 6th and ending Tuesday, March 13th. Due to Parent Teacher Conferences, there will be no club on Tuesday, February 20th.

If you are interested, please fill out the form below, and return it to me by Friday, February 2nd. 

5th Grade Choir Club Form

Mid Year Classroom Supplies

Wow! It is so hard to believe that the school year is half way over. The students have learned so much, over the last two quarters, and I am excited to see how much further they will go.

With the year being half way over, we are running low on classroom supplies. If you are willing and  able, please take a few minutes and look over the Sign Up list. Any and all classroom donations are greatly appreciated. I provided an Amazon link for the items that we are in need of, but please feel free to shop around and find the best deal.

Thank you for all that you wonderful parents do to support our class!

Mid Year Classroom Supplies

Tuesday, January 16th–Friday, January 19th

What we are learning…

I can interpret multiplication by resizing.
I can explain why a fraction is greater than one, less than one, or equal to one without multiplying.

-Language Arts: 
I can summarize what I read.
I can identify the author’s point of view.
I can identify the meaning of a sentence or passage by the context clues. 
I can use irregular verbs.

I can read an information text and identify the following:
Most important sentences the author wrote
Key words within the text
Organize my writing to write a strong conclusion.
Summarizing the informational text by writing short paragraphs with  a topic sentence, supporting sentences, and closing sentence.

 -Mission to Mars:
I am working in a small group to research and determine the most interesting facts about Mars.
I am demonstrating what I know about Mars by recording myself on Seesaw.
I am demonstrating what I know about Mars by creating and presenting a Google Slide Presentation.

Looking Ahead…
First Day of Quarter 3:  Tuesday, January 16th
Parent Teacher Conferences:  Tuesday, February 20th & Thursday, February 22nd

There is homework this week!! Homework can be found by accessing my blog, and then logging into Google Classroom. 🙂