Quarter 2 Chapter Summaries


Chapter Summaries Due:  Monday, January 7, 2019

You can access the “Google Doc” to complete the chapter summaries on Google Classroom.

  • You will read a 200+ page book.  
  • You will write one paragraph about each chapter, as you read it.  A good paragraph gives many details and consists of at least 7 sentences with at least 10 words in each sentence.  
  • You will submit the Google Doc after the book has been read, and all chapter summaries have been written. You will submit the Google Doc through Google Classroom.
  • We will complete the book report in class.
  • Have fun reading!! 

Christmas Party


On December 14th, our class will be having our Christmas Party.  Students will be participating in a variety of activities within the different 5th Grade Classrooms.  One of those activities will involve a treat.  Please sign the permission slip below letting me know if your student is allowed to have the treat.  

Permission Form

Math This Week

This week in math, the students are learning how to use fractions as a division problem. Overall, the students are enjoying learning about fractions. Fractions are a lot of fun, as we can relate many of them to real world situations.

Please feel free to complete the Family Letter at home for additional practice.
Lesson 12

Monday, November 12th–Friday, November 16th


Classroom Schedule

Tuesday:   Field Trip to Leonardo Museum
Wednesday: Library, Wonders Language Arts Test
Thursday: Science Test
Friday: Math Test, Dibbles Progress Monitoring, Creative Writing Friday, Early OUT!

School Announcements

  • Leonardo Museum Field Trip: Tuesday, November 13th.
  • Thanksgiving Break: Monday, November 19th—Friday, November 23rd.
  • Quarter 2 Chapter Summaries: Due on Monday, January 7th

Quarter 2 Chapter Summaries


Chapter Summaries Due:  Monday, January 7, 2019

You can access the “Google Doc” to complete the chapter summaries on Google Classroom.

  • You will read a 200+ page book.  
  • You will write one paragraph about each chapter, as you read it.  A good paragraph gives many details and consists of at least 7 sentences with at least 10 words in each sentence.  
  • You will submit the Google Doc after the book has been read, and all chapter summaries have been written. You will submit the Google Doc through Google Classroom.
  • We will complete the book report in class.
  • Have fun reading!! 

Tuesday’s Fieldtrip



  • All students will need to bring a backpack with them. 
  • All students will need to bring a home lunch. School lunch will not be provided for this field trip.
  • Students need to wear their school uniform (polo shirt with school pants). Please wear sturdy shoes, because we will be doing a lot of walking. The weather may be chilly, and we will be outside a lot, so please bring a jacket as well.
  • Students are welcome to bring a book, small card game, or notebook to keep themselves occupied during our travels. 
  • Any and all technology devices are prohibited, and are not allowed on the field trip.

Parent Information

  • Parents will need to drop off their child at the Roy Front Runner Station by 8:30am
  • Parents will need to pick up their child at the Roy Front Runner Station by 3:16pm. Parents will also need to check their child out with me, before going home. 

Travel Schedule

  • All parent chaperones need to arrive at Roy Front Runner station no later than 8:20am
  • All students need to arrive at Roy Front Runner Station no later than 8:30am
  • Roy Front Runner leaves southbound for Salt Lake at 8:46am
  • Front Runner arrives to North Temple Station at 9:33am
  • Take the Trax Green Line, arrives at new stop at 9:47am
  • Take the Trax Red Line, arrives at new stop at 9:53am
  • Leonardo Museum 10:00-12:30pm
  • Meet outside Leonardo Museum at 12:30pm, and walk to Library Square. This is where we will eat lunch.
  • Take the Trax Red lLine, arrives at 1:48pm
  • Take the Trax Green Line, arrives at 1:58
  • Board the Front Runner going north at 2:31pm
  • Arrive at Roy Front Runner Station at 3:16pm. Parents please pick up your child from the Roy Front Runner Station.

Leonardo Museum Field Trip

On Tuesday, November 13th, the fifth grade will be going on their first field trip to the Leonardo Museum in Salt Lake. We will be taking the Frontrunner Train to Salt Lake and back, and will be using Trax while in Salt Lake. Students will be required to meet at the Roy Front Runner Station that morning, no later than 8:30 am. We will be catching the 8:42 train to Salt Lake. Students will then be required to be picked up at the Roy Frontrunner Station that afternoon. We will be arriving at 3:16 pm. Each student will also be required to bring their own sack lunch and a backpack to carry it in. We are asking for a $5 donation to help cover the cost of the train and a workshop at the museum. Please pay the donation to either of the school offices. 

Parent volunteers are also needed. However, we are asking that you please leave younger children/siblings at home. We do not have a limit to the number of volunteers that can come. Parents will not have to pay a fee for themselves to ride the Front Runner or tour the museum.  

Please complete the form below indicating whether or not your student will be allowed to attend, and that you understand the requirements of this field trip.

Permission Form for Field Trip

Math This Week

This week in math we are going to continue working with fractions. We are adding and subtracting fractions with uncommon denominators. Fractions are a lot of fun…there are just a few steps that need to be remembered and followed. The students will take their i-READY Math Assessment on Wednesday of this week.

If you want additional practice at home, please feel free to complete the Family Letter at home.
Lesson 10 Family Letter
Lesson 11 Family Letter

This Week: November 5th–November 9th


Classroom Schedule

Tuesday:   STEM Lab
Wednesday: Library, and NOVA
Friday:  Dibbles Progress Monitoring, Creative Writing Friday, Early OUT!

School Announcements

  • Leonardo Museum Field Trip:  Tuesday, November 13th. Please sign the permission form.
  • Thanksgiving Break:  Monday, November 19th—Friday, November 23rd.
  • Quarter 2 Chapter Summaries:  Due on Monday, January 7th