Class Rotations For Our Class


Image result for STEM and SCience free Clip artThis year we will be doing rotations for science, technology, and social studies on Mondays. Mrs. Teichert and Mrs. Vella will be teaching science, Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Knight will be teaching tech and I will be teaching social studies. Each rotation will last approximately 6 weeks. Our class will start with Mrs. Vella Monday, October 22nd.  For the next 6 weeks we will be learning about, and discussing the following:

Standard 2 Earth and Space. Students will gain understanding of Earth and Space Science through the study of earth materials, celestial movement ….
Objective 2 Observe and describe the changes and appearance of the sun and the moon during the day (and night lol).
                        a. Observe the sun at different times of the day and report your observations to peers. 
                        b. Observe and chart the moon when it is visible during the day (or night)

Standard 4 Life Science. Students will gain an understanding of the Life Science through the study of changes in organisms over time and the nature of living things…
Objective 1 Communicate observations about the similarities and differences between offspring and between     
                       a. Communicate observations about plants and animals, including humans and how they resemble their 
                       b. Analyze the individual similarities and differences within and across larger groups. 
Objective 2 Living things change and depend upon upon their environment to satisfy their basic needs.
                       a. Make observations about living things and their environment using the five senses.
                       b. Identify how natural earth materials (e.g. food, water, air light and space) help to sustain plant and 
                           animal life. 
                       c. Describe and model life cycles of living things.

***Please have your student bring in a family photo to share with the class while we discuss how they may resemble you as parents (heredity).   The kids have so much fun talking about and sharing pictures of their families. We will also talk about the fact that not all families live with, or have pictures of there parents, (e.g. adoptions, fosters etc) but that they do have people who love, care for and about them.   If you have any questions feel free to call or email me at any time.  

-Mrs. Lisa Gieseke

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