Reminder: Mad Scienctist/Art Club starts Monday October 29th

mad-scientist.png (226×223)If you are signed up for club, we are meeting from 3:00-3:45 on the following Mondays: Oct. 29, Nov. 5, Nov. 12, Nov. 26, Dec. 3 and Dec. 10.  We can’t wait!
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Positive Me Week October 29th-November 2nd

1Image result for Positive me week free clip art0/29 – Monday: “Scare Away Bad Health” Hat’s off to being Healthy!
(Hat day)

10/30 – Tuesday: “Scare Away Bullies” Be unique and don’t follow the crowd!
(Team Jersey)

10/31 – Wednesday: “Scare Up Some Fun”
(Halloween Costume Day)

11/1 – Thursday: “Scare Away Negativity” Be a hero and stand up to Negativity!

11/2 – Friday: “Scare Away Drugs”Become a better you by  being Drug FREE!
(Crazy Hair Day)

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Halloween Parade and Party

trick-or-treat-parade.jpg (333×257)
LOL Please click on the link below to sign the Google permission form for our class party 

Please complete the online permission form if you haven’t do so yet:  Halloween PERMISSION FORM

The Quest Academy Halloween Parade will begin at 9:00am. Parents are welcome to watch the parade as students walk through the Q2 gym.

We are having a Halloween Party at 11:30. If you didn’t sign up to help, but would still like to volunteer, please let us know.  Our classroom will host a Halloween craft and game. It’s always nice to have extra hands :) 

We are requesting a $12 donation for the three holiday parties we will host this year (Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s).  These donations help pay for party costs such as; sugar cookies and supplies to decorate the cookies as well as supplies for other activities associated with the parties.  You may pay $4 for the Halloween party or you may pay the complete party donation of $12 now at the Q1 office

Costume Guidelines:
Please note that costumes should be modest and without blood or gore. Though students may paint their faces, masks and weapons are not allowed. Anything that depicts violence is banned (knives, guns, swords, spears, etc.). Just to reiterate, no blood, either depicted on the costume or in makeup, is allowed.
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Dress Down and Thank you’s

Thank you to all that came out to parent teacher conferences over the last couple of days.  It was great to meet with all of you.  Tomorrow is a dress down day.  Here is the information on it:

Notification from: Quest Academy

Tomorrow we will be having our last Dress Down Day for our canned food drive. This is optional. If your child wants to participate, please send them with 5 cans of food or $2 that will go to our local food bank. 

Quest Administration

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Take two on the permission form

Well what would it be without technical issues?  Here we go….try number two for the halloween permission form.

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Halloween Party Permission Slip

Halloween Party Permission Form

curly witch hat with flower

The 1st Grade Halloween Party will be Wednesday, October 31 at 11:30am.  Please complete the online permission form:  

Halloween Form


 We will be holding three holiday parties this year; Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s. We are requesting a $3.00 donation for each party to help with the associated costs.  If possible, please donate $9.00 for all holiday parties at this time.  If you prefer you may donate $3.00 now and pay the remaining amount later.  Thank you for your generous donations.

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Book Orders Due This Friday Code: L4KLN

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Halloween Parties and Guidelines

Related imageJust a reminder that Halloween will be an early out day and there will be a parade for the students (see administration note below).  In first grade we will have a grade level rotating party where the students will rotate through all the different first grade classrooms to have treats and do activities. We will do this after lunch.  If you are interested in helping,  the time slot will be approximately 11:00 to 1:30 pm.  Please email me so that we can put together a crew.  We will need fun ideas and a crew to carry them out.  Great parties start with great volunteers!  

Quest Administration sent out the following message by email today.  It addresses costume guidelines and candy to share.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact the office. 

Quest Families,

If this is your first year at Quest, please review our wellness policy regarding food in the classroom. As Halloween is approaching, parents often ask if their children can bring candy to share for their classroom Halloween party. According to our wellness policy, students are not allowed to bring treats to share. Information regarding Halloween party treats will be given to parents one week prior to the party. All parents are required to give permission for their students to consume treats during these activities.

We will have our Halloween parade on Wednesday, October 31, which is a short day. Quest families are welcome to come watch their children parade through the Q2 gym from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM. Though only Kindergarten through 5th Grade students will participate in the parade, 6th Graders and Jr. High students are welcome to wear costumes as well (or students could choose to treat this day as a free dress down day).

Please note that costumes should be modest and without blood or gore. Though students may paint their faces, masks and weapons are not allowed. Anything that depicts violence is banned (knives, guns, swords, spears, etc.). If you have questions about costume accessories, please contact us. Just to reiterate, no blood, either depicted on the costume or in makeup, is allowed. 
After the parade, Kindergarten through 5th grade may have classroom parties. Though treats are allowed, parent permission is still needed. These treats must be planned by the teacher/room parent and store bought. Permission slips will be sent home a week before the party so everyone is aware of specific items being served.

Quest Administration 

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Class Rotations For Our Class


Image result for STEM and SCience free Clip artThis year we will be doing rotations for science, technology, and social studies on Mondays. Mrs. Teichert and Mrs. Vella will be teaching science, Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Knight will be teaching tech and I will be teaching social studies. Each rotation will last approximately 6 weeks. Our class will start with Mrs. Vella Monday, October 22nd.  For the next 6 weeks we will be learning about, and discussing the following:

Standard 2 Earth and Space. Students will gain understanding of Earth and Space Science through the study of earth materials, celestial movement ….
Objective 2 Observe and describe the changes and appearance of the sun and the moon during the day (and night lol).
                        a. Observe the sun at different times of the day and report your observations to peers. 
                        b. Observe and chart the moon when it is visible during the day (or night)

Standard 4 Life Science. Students will gain an understanding of the Life Science through the study of changes in organisms over time and the nature of living things…
Objective 1 Communicate observations about the similarities and differences between offspring and between     
                       a. Communicate observations about plants and animals, including humans and how they resemble their 
                       b. Analyze the individual similarities and differences within and across larger groups. 
Objective 2 Living things change and depend upon upon their environment to satisfy their basic needs.
                       a. Make observations about living things and their environment using the five senses.
                       b. Identify how natural earth materials (e.g. food, water, air light and space) help to sustain plant and 
                           animal life. 
                       c. Describe and model life cycles of living things.

***Please have your student bring in a family photo to share with the class while we discuss how they may resemble you as parents (heredity).   The kids have so much fun talking about and sharing pictures of their families. We will also talk about the fact that not all families live with, or have pictures of there parents, (e.g. adoptions, fosters etc) but that they do have people who love, care for and about them.   If you have any questions feel free to call or email me at any time.  

-Mrs. Lisa Gieseke

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Dress Down Day/ Fall break and homework news

Tomorrow is a dress down day for the small price of 5 cans to be contributed to our annual food drive.  If you would rather you can also dress down for $2.00 and we will purchase the cans for you.  You are also welcome to wear a uniform if you would rather.  

We hope that you all have a wonderful fall break next week as there will be no school next Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday.  As a result your students will not have a homework packet for that week.  The packet that they get tomorrow will be for the week off and be due the Friday after we come back, October 26th.  Thank you and Happy Fall!
-Mrs. Gieseke  

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