I was so impressed by the caliber of homework that was turned in this past week! Parents, thank you so much for your efforts in helping your children complete their homework. It has
such an impact on your child’s learning. Here are some Frequently Asked Questions that I received last week that may be helpful to you:
Question #1. Word Sorts: Should I help my child spell each word correctly or should he/she sound out the word him/herself and use “inventive spelling?”
Answer: I am fine with either. The Words Their Way sort program is a phonics program. The program encourages users to “sound out” words in order to develop greater phonemic awareness. However, I think it is also beneficial for children to have consistent exposure to the real spellings of words. Bottom line: you can have your child sound it out or you can assist him/her with spelling – it’s up to you.
Question #2. Should ALL homework papers be stapled together?
Answer: Yes, PLEASE! Please try to imagine 26 six-year-olds cramming their homework papers into the tray and you can easily see why it would be beneficial for your child to have his/her homework all stapled neatly together. Paper clips are not as helpful because papers still tend to slide in and out of the paper clip.
Question #3: Should I have my child turn in a Homework Form during the weeks that there is only reading homework?
Answer: No, that is not necessary. During “Reading Homework Only” weeks, simply sign the reading slip in your child’s Book Buddy bag each day. Your signature each day is sufficient.
Question #4: Why do you post the My Math Homework pages to the blog when copies of the pages are being sent home with my child each week?
Answer: Every Friday, I will have your child bring home the copies of their My Math Homework pages that are needed for the next week’s homework. However, sometimes accidents happen! I post the pages on the blog in case your child is absent the day the pages are sent home, or in case your child loses the pages, etc. That way, you can print the pages at home, if necessary.