First-Grade Science/Art Club

We will be starting the first session (of two sessions) of our first-grade club in October.  This will be an after-school science and art club.  The club contract will be posted on the blog on Tuesday, September 20th.

Club contracts will need to be turned in to the Q1 office as soon as possible.  The last day contracts will be accepted is September 30th. Admission into the club is limited and will be on a first-come-first-serve basis.  art-science

The first 20 contracts turned in will be accepted.  We will contact you if your child has been accepted.  If your child is accepted, there will be a $5 fee, along with rules that must be followed for continuation of club involvement.

Club will be every Thursday from 3:00-3:55.  Pick up is at 4:00 sharp!  Students will participate in a variety of science experiments and art activities.

There will be another session of first-grade club after Winter Break, sometime in January or February, so if you miss this session, there will be one more opportunity.

Homework for the Week of September 19th-23rd (Due Friday, Sept. 23)

For this week, there are 5 components required for weekly homework:

1. Reading (20-30 minutes every day!)
2. Word Sorts
3. Spelling
4. Math
5. Timed Reading

Each week, print out the HOMEWORK FORM, which is found here or under the “Homework Form” tab above. 

If you would like to reduce the number of necessary printed papers, you may choose to print only page 1 of the Homework Form and use any blank paper for Tuesday’s Writing Sort and Thursday’s Glue Sort (see below).  
  • This form does NOT need to be printed or turned in for credit during weeks that we are doing only READING homework.  Simply initialing the form that comes home with your child’s Book Buddy is sufficient during those weeks.

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A Reading for All Learners (Book Buddy) leveled book will be sent home with your child DAILY. Please have your child read the book (or one story from the books that contain more than one story) at least two-three times and then sign the included form. You may supplement your child’s reading using books at home, library books, etc. to fulfill the minimum requirement of 20-30 minutes of reading per day. 

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Each week, print your student’s assigned Word Sort by clicking here:
 CLICK HERE for Red Sort 32.  

Use the Word Sort for the following activities:
  • Monday: Print, cut, and sort your words with an adult and explain this week’s rule. Sort each word under the correct guide word. Some guide words have a C or V combination on them – C stands for consonant and V stands for vowel.
  • Tuesday: Practice the sort and write it (using the grid on page 2 of the Homework Form).
  • Wednesday: Blind Sort (Lay down the guide words and then read the rest of the words aloud without showing them to your child. Your child must indicate where the word goes without seeing it.
  • Thursday: Sort and glue (sort the words and glue them using the grid on page 3 of the Homework Form).

  • Study the following spelling and phonics words using any method you wish in order to prepare for the weekly spelling test on Fridays.
  • There is a list of recommended spelling study activities that you can access BY CLICKING HERE for Spelling Word Activities, but, again, you may use any method you wish.  
  • Please write the second list of spelling words (5 words) in alphabetical order on the Homework Form.    


The following spelling words will sometimes repeat:


CHALLENGE WORDS: dishrag, bathtub, within, vanish, racket

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  1. Complete this week’s My Math homework pages and staple them to the homework form. The assigned pages are: CLICK HERE for My Math Homework Lesson 2CLICK HERE for My Math Homework Lesson 3CLICK HERE for My Math Lesson 5
  2.  Practice math skills for 20 minutes (in total for the week) using a “Math Activity” listed here: CLICK HERE for Math Activities
  3. Complete the math facts fluency timing each day, Monday-Thursday, and record the scores for the week on your homework form.   
  • With the fluency timing in the plastic sheet protector, use a dry-erase marker to practice repeatedly.  Record your time (number of minutes and seconds) and number of correct answers each day on your homework form. (No need to calculate a percentage score.)
  • The target goal is to finish all 25 problems in 1 minute and 15 seconds, with 90% accuracy (23 out of 25 problems correct).

These daily one-minute timed fluency readings will help your student become a fluent reader. Time your student for one minute Monday-Thursday and record the number of words they were able to read in one minute on the front page of the Homework Form.

This week: print the “Lesson 17” page
CLICK HERE for Timed Reading Passages

September Parent-Teacher Conferences: Sept. 29th

We are excited to begin Parent-Teacher Conferences this year on Thursday, September 29th.  Below is the schedule for conferences.  Please notice that the schedule only allows for 10 minutes per conference, including transition time.  Please bear this in mind while we are meeting, and I appreciate any help you can give in keeping conferences short and concise so that we can stay on schedule.  Thank you so much!

Thursday, Sept. 29thParent Teacher Conference
3:30     April Duckworth
3:40     Stacey McDonald
3:50     Kristin Peterson
4:00     Nicole Weighall
4:10     Elizabeth Wood
4:20     Angie Clark
4:30     Heidi Cook
4:40     Shannon Taylor
4:50     Leslie Nelson
5:00     Aimee Fleming
5:10     Aimee Fleming
5:20     Lisa Stallard
5:30     Terina Wayman

Volunteers Needed Beginning September 19th!

Thank you in advance to all the wonderful parents who have signed up to volunteer in our classroom! Volunteering is SO impactful in our classroom, and I appreciate those willing to give their time to help us be more successful.

Up to this point, we haven’t had a need yet for volunteers in our classroom because it has been important for students to first have a solid grasp of systems and procedures.  We are just now starting to get to that point, and I think we will be ready to have parents start volunteering beginning next week.

Below is the list of parents who signed up at Back to School Night to help in our classroom:
9:00-10:30         April Duckworth
2:30-3:00           Elizabeth Wood

9:00-10:30         Aimee Fleming
9:00-10:30         Kati Hammond

9:00-10:30         Kristin Peterson
2:30-3:00           Leslie Burton

9:00-10:30        Heidi Cook

Please be sure to first check in at the office when you come to volunteer. I usually ask parent volunteers to do one-on-one reading with students, which I feel has, by far, the greatest impact on academics and success in our classroom!!

If you didn’t have a chance to volunteer at Back to School Night to help in our classroom, you may do so at any time.  Feel free to e-mail me to schedule volunteering times or please feel free to drop in to our classroom to volunteer any time! I really mean it! 🙂 We particularly need help with reading pull-outs (one-on-one reading with students), and this can be done at any point during the day when we are not out of the classroom or when we’re not doing math or Waterford.  Please check our “Daily Schedule” on the blog (click on the “Daily Schedule” tab at the top of the blog) to find ideal times for volunteering and feel free to drop in!  In general, the very best times for volunteering are daily from 9:30-10:30 (during our “Literacy Centers” activities) and daily from 2:30-3:00 (during our “Reading Groups” activities). 

Thanks again!

Big, Old, Grungy T-shirts Needed for Tuesday, September 13th!

If your child has not yet brought in a big, old, grungy t-shirt to wear over his/her uniform as an art smock, please be sure to send one to school tomorrow. We will be beginning a fun art project, and we want to protect our uniforms! An old t-shirt of mom’s or dad’s will work great! If possible, please send one with long sleeves to protect long-sleeve uniforms during the cold season. We will be keeping the t-shirts here at school for the remainder of the school year to use when we do messy projects,
Thank you!

Animal Report Project: Due Friday, September 16th

As part of our preparation for visiting Hogle Zoo, we will be doing Animal Reports!  They are not due until next Friday (September 16th).  However, the kids are SO excited about starting them, so I told them that I would post the form for the Animal Report  on the blog in case they wanted to get a head-start. zoo

Your child may choose any zoo animal for his/her report.  Please assist your child in researching the animal, using any means: books, encyclopedias, internet, etc., rather than simply stating what they know or believe to be true.  Click here to learn more about your animal on the Hogle Zoo website: Meet the Hogle Zoo Animals. Here is another fun animal website: Zooborns 

Encourage your child to use best handwriting, because he/she will need to be able to read his/her own handwriting to create a book from the report.  The reports will be shared with the class, and your child may find it beneficial to practice reading his/her report to you prior to reading it for our class.  

Click on the link below to download/print the Animal Report form:

CLICK HERE for the “My Animal Report” form.

New Date for Zoo Field Trip: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22ND!

zooWe finally heard back from the Hogle Zoo! Our new field trip date is confirmed and scheduled for Thursday September 22nd! We will be leaving the school at 9am and getting on the buses at the Hogle Zoo to come back to the school at 1pm. So, hopefully this still works with some of your schedules. 

Below is the list of parent chaperones who signed up at Back to School Night.  I realize that when you first signed up, we were planning on our field trip being on Sept. 6th, so I am not sure if the following parents are still able to come.  If you are still able to come, or if you didn’t sign up, but would like to, please send an email to Mrs. Dunmeyer.  We are only allowed to have 5 parents ride the bus with us, so the rest will need to drive separately. It appears that we already have enough parents signed up to ride the bus. Younger siblings may come with you as long as you drive separately and plan on paying zoo admission for them. Chaperones will need to bring a backpack to carry lunches for their group and bring a sack lunch for themselves.

Please plan on students wearing red shirts and uniform pants to the zoo, with good walking shoes. Students will need to bring a sack lunch from home that does not require a microwave, labeled with their names. School lunch will not be served.

April Duckworth……………..Bus
Kati Hammond………………Drive
Stacey McDonald…………..Drive
Harmony Bateman………….Bus
Shai Palmer…………………..Drive
Joe Taylor……………………..Bus
Jessica Russell………………Drive
Jennifer Gardner…………….Bus
Shelly Hemmelgarn…………Bus
Chantill Luthi………………….Drive/Bus

Independent Lunch Skills

For those students bringing home lunch; Please spend some time this weekend helping your student practice independent lunch preparation.  For example; 
How to open containers and packages (i.e. opening pudding cups, putting straws in Home lunchjuice boxes, etc.)
How to properly and safely use a microwave (i.e. paper towel under food, how long to cook it, how to remove the hot food, what NOT to put in a microwave, etc.) 
How to prepare microwaveable meals. A common problem that occurs is children neglect to add water to microwaveable meals, like easy mac.  This results in burnt lunch, a stinky school, and a very sad child.
What to keep and what to throw away (i.e. keep tupperware, please throw away opened juice box even if not finished, etc.)

**Please remind your student, that for health reasons, students are NOT to share their food or take food from other students.  Thank you.

Home lunch students are welcome to purchase milk or chocolate milk.  Click here to add money to your child’s lunch account for purchasing school lunch or just milk:Quest Academy Lunch Payments

What’s for school lunch?  Click here to view the monthly menus: Quest Academy Lunch

Zoo Field Trip Postponed!

We received a phone call from Hogle Zoo this morning, informing us that, due to scheduled maintenance, our field trip must be postponed!  We were surprised and sad to hear the news.  

We are trying to see if we can reschedule the field trip for Friday, September 16th, at the same times as before.  

We are so sorry for any inconvenience this change may have caused for you.  We will keep you posted on any updates just as soon as we hear back from Hogle Zoo.

Please Turn in All Field Trip/Party Donations to the Office Tomorrow, Sept. 1st! Thanks!

Hello, Wonderful Parents! Just a reminder: we had requested that, if possible, all donations for field trips and parties be turned in by September 1st, and tomorrow is that day! Please donate $27 to help cover the cost of all field trips and parties for the year. Donations can be made to the office. We greatly depend on donations to make bus trips and crafts/treats/games possible at parties. Thank you so much!

If you are unable to donate at this time, we are happy to accept donations at any other point during the school year, too. Thank you!

Sign Up for Text Alerts/Notifications

TEXT NOTIFICATIONS: I strongly encourage you to sign up for text notifications.  ThisText Cell phone copy will allow me to send reminders, last-minute updates, etc. by text to your cell phone, and parents from my past classes have LOVED this!  To participate in receiving text message reminders, follow these instructions:
  1. Simply send a text to 81010 with the message @dunmeyer
  2. To opt out at any time, simply send a text to 81010 with the message unsubscribe@dunmeyer

Scholastic Book Orders

SCHOLASTIC catalogues were sent home this week!  This is a great resource for building your home library to support your child as an emerging reader!

If you are ordering online at, please use our Class Activation Code, which is NL9MM.  

Online orders will be submitted to Scholastic at the end of every month.  So, the orders this month will be submitted on September 30th.

Thank you!