
This year we will be incorporating a “Book in a Bag” program starting the second week of school. We will be sending home a book with your child that may have one or many stories in one book. We ask that your child reads this book for 20 minutes every night following these steps:

– 1st – Have your child read through the book once
– 2nd – You read the book to your child going over any of the words that you might have had trouble with.
– 3rd – Have your child read through the story, while you help with any words they may struggle with.
– 4th – Have your child read through the story on their own with out any help.

Once your child has read through this book, please sign the paper that is in their bag and send it back to school the following day for them to get a new book. If your child forgets to return their book, please just help them to read any book, magazine or story you might have at home. If they would like something new, check the Links page and find some fun stories for your child to read on Newsela or ReadWorks. If your student is absent, they will make up the missing assignments in class.  You can also check the google classroom and have them work on anything that was assigned in the classroom that day. 

Homework is not required at Quest but it is highly recommended that your child reads.  If you would like to further your child’s math fluency, it is recommended that your child gets a “green light” on Reflex each week. 

  “Evidence suggests that children who read for enjoyment every day not only perform better in reading tests than those who don’t, but also develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other cultures.”https://www.pearson.com/uk/learners/primary-parents/learn-at-home/help-your-child-to-enjoy-reading/why-is-reading-so-important.html

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