Monthly Archives: January 2020

Week of January 21-24th

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I hope everyone had a great extended weekend and are refreshed and ready for a new week.  This week is an extra short week.  
Tuesday – Dibels Testing  
Thursday – 1/2 Day
Friday – No School (Teacher Prep Day)

Even though it is a short week, we will still be doing Vocabulary words.  Please continue to have your student practice their vocabulary words every evening.  We suggest writing each word 3 times each as well as reading 20 minutes a day. 

Please do not forget to sign up for Parent Teacher Conference if you haven’t done so yet.  Here is the link to sign up.

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3rd Grade:

  1. ordered

  2. talents

  3. these
  4. water
  5. called
  6. found
  7. king
  8. passed
  9. leave
  10. twin

5th Grade:

  1. breed
  2. snag
  3. fleck
  4. function
  5. mimic
  6. tracked
  7. minutes
  8. Indian
  9. south
  10. different

Math Screen Shot 2019-11-11 at 12.54.18 PM
3rd Grade:
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4th Grade:
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5th Grade:
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Week of January 13-17

We have a busy week ahead.  We have started Mid-Year testing as well as our usual curriculum, so your students will be tired more than usual.  Please make sure they are getting enough sleep and a good breakfast so that they are able to perform their best for these tests.  

This week we have changed up the 4th grade’s work.  They are now doing a program and they will not have weekly spelling and vocabulary tests each week.  But we still HIGHLY encourage your student to read 20 minutes every night.  Reading is so important for these students that may hate or struggle to read.  Practice makes perfect, right?  We thank you for all of your support this year.  We are excited to show you how well your students are doing in a couple of weeks at Parent Teacher Conference. 

Screen Shot 2019-11-18 at 12.38.45 PM .                 3rd Grade: 
  1. expect
  2. aroma
  3. start
  4. both
  5. until
  6. real
  7. family
  8. face
  9. spell
  10. stack

.           5th Grade:
  1. number
  2. change
  3. world
  4. contact
  5. moisture
  6. deeds
  7. ground
  8. friends
  9. special
  10. thick

Math Screen Shot 2019-11-11 at 12.54.18 PM

3rd Grade
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4th Grade
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5th Grade
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Hope everyone has a fabulous week!

Week of January 6-10th

Happy New Year!!  And Welcome back to school.  I missed every one of my incredible students!  I am excited to be back, but I am sure the students think differently.  

This week we will begin Mid Year testing.  We will be taking diagnostic testing on iReady, we will also start Dibels testing to see what level they are currently reading at.  

Parent Teacher Conference will begin the last week of January.  Please keep an eye out for an email for signing up.  We would love to see every one of our students parents at our conferences this time.

Screen Shot 2019-11-18 at 12.38.45 PM           3rd Grade
  1. game
  2. lane
  3. base
  4. today
  5. relay
  6. case
  7. away
  8. state
           4th Grade
  1. bead
  2. beef
  3. boil
  4. brain
  5. blast
  6. barn
  7. bicker
  8. bulge
  9. buzzer
  10. baa
           5th Grade
  1. across
  2. shack
  3. quack
  4. produce
  5. object
  6. force
  7. great
  8. course
  9. except
  10. draw

Math Screen Shot 2019-11-11 at 12.54.18 PM
3rd Grade
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4th Grade
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5th Grade
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Have a great rest of your week!