It’s time for RISE Testing!!! Please make sure your child is here during our testing times.
Please try and plan trips and appointments around these times. Also, make sure your child has a nice healthy breakfast on these days and is very rested. It takes a lot out of them!
Dress rehearsal is on TUESDAY
Pirates from Grammar Island performance is WEDNESDAY @ 2:00
Poetry New Poems for May. This has been so fun! This month I am asking students to memorize at least one of the attached poems to be performed in front of the class before the last day of school. This is a great opportunity to work on our fluency, phrasing, and performing skills. Students are welcome to memorize and perform as many poems as they would like. I will be paying class money for each successfully performed. I will be sending home a hard copy with each student. Feel free to click on the link May Poems or the picture to view online.
What’s Happening in Math
RISE and review.
Important Dates: May 20th – Math RISE Test @ 8:45-9:30 May 21st – Dress Rehearsal for Pirates from Grammar Island May 22nd – Math RISE Test @8:45-9:30 Pirates from Grammar Island @ 2:00
Everyone did AMAZING on our end of year Dibels assessment!!!
It’s time for RISE Testing!!! Please make sure your child is here during our testing times.
Please try and plan trips and appointments around these times. Also, make sure your child has a nice healthy breakfast on these days and is very rested. It takes a lot out of them!
Practices for the play are in full swing! Please make sure your child is here so we can practice with the whole cast each day!
Poetry New Poems for May. This has been so fun! This month I am asking students to memorize at least one of the attached poems to be performed in front of the class before the last day of school. This is a great opportunity to work on our fluency, phrasing, and performing skills. Students are welcome to memorize and perform as many poems as they would like. I will be paying class money for each successfully performed. I will be sending home a hard copy with each student. Feel free to click on the link May Poems or the picture to view online.
What’s Happening in Math
Math is going quickly at the end of the year.
Important Dates: May 20th – Math RISE Test @ 8:45-9:30 May 21st – Math RISE Test @10:15-11:00 – Dress Rehearsal for Pirates from Grammar Island May 22nd – Pirates from Grammar Island @ 2:00
****Please follow this link to fill out our RISE Test Treats permission form! This needs to be done by THURSDAY. This is different from the beginning of the year permission slip. This is from administration. Thanks!!****
I still have 5 people who have not filled this out yet! Please do so ASAP! Permission Slip
We will be doing our end of the year Dibels assessment on May 2nd and May 3rd from 8:30-10:15. ***Update*** I am done with all of them but 5! Everyone has done so well!!!
It’s time for RISE Testing!!! Please make sure your child is here during our testing times.
Please try and plan trips and appointments around these times. Also, make sure your child has a nice healthy breakfast on these days and is very rested. It takes a lot out of them!
Practices for the play are in full swing! Please make sure your child is here so we can practice with the whole cast each day!
Poetry New Poems for May. This has been so fun! This month I am asking students to memorize at least one of the attached poems to be performed in front of the class before the last day of school. This is a great opportunity to work on our fluency, phrasing, and performing skills. Students are welcome to memorize and perform as many poems as they would like. I will be paying class money for each successfully performed. I will be sending home a hard copy with each student. Feel free to click on the link May Poems or the picture to view online.
What’s Happening in Math
Math is going quickly at the end of the year!
Important Dates: Monday – STEM @ 2:00 Tuesday – Library @ 1:00 Wednesday – ELA RISE Test @ 1:25-2:10 Friday – ELA RISE Test @ 10:15-11:00 May 20th – Math RISE Test @ 8:45-9:30 May 21st – Math RISE Test @10:15-11:00 May 22nd – Pirates from Grammar Island @ 2:00
****Please follow this link to fill out our RISE Test Treats permission form! This needs to be done by THURSDAY. This is different from the beginning of the year permission slip. This is from administration. Thanks!!****
We will be doing our end of the year Dibels assessment on May 2nd and May 3rd from 8:30-10:15.
Please make sure your child has had a good nights rest and has eaten breakfast.
Reading aloud to a parent or sibling each would be a great way to prepare for this! We have been working so hard on this all year, let’s make one final push!
Practices for the play are in full swing! Please make sure your child is here so we can practice with the whole cast each day!
Poetry New Poems for April. This has been so fun! This month I am asking students to memorize at least one of the attached poems to be performed in front of the class before May 1st. This is a great opportunity to work on our fluency, phrasing, and performing skills. Students are welcome to memorize and perform as many poems as they would like. I will be paying class money for each successfully performed. I will be sending home a hard copy with each student. Feel free to click on the link April Poems or the picture to view online.
What’s Happening in Math
Math is going quickly at the end of the year!
Important Dates: Monday – STEM @ 2:00/ BOGO Book Fair Begins/ Assembly 9:30-10:00 Tuesday – Library @ 1:00 Thursday – Dibels End of Year Assessment @ 8:30-10:15 Friday – Dibels End of Year Assessment @ 8:30-10:15 May 8th – ELA RISE Test @ 1:25-2:10 May 10th – ELA RISE Test @ 10:15-11:00 May 20th – Math RISE Test @ 8:45-9:30 May 21st – Math RISE Test @10:15-11:00 May 22nd – Pirates from Grammar Island @ 1:30
We will be doing our end of the year Dibles assessment on April 30th and May 2nd from 8:30-10:15.
Please make sure your child has had a good nights rest and has eaten breakfast.
Reading aloud to a parent or sibling each would be a great way to prepare for this! We have been working so hard on this all year, let’s make one final push!
Practices for the play are in full swing! Please make sure your child is here so we can practice with the whole cast each day!
Arts Festival–April 26 @ 5-8 pm
Food trucks, art contest, chalk art contest, student art showcase, tie dye.
Students can sign up here for the StudentArt Showcase!
Poetry New Poems for April. This has been so fun! This month I am asking students to memorize at least one of the attached poems to be performed in front of the class before May 1st. This is a great opportunity to work on our fluency, phrasing, and performing skills. Students are welcome to memorize and perform as many poems as they would like. I will be paying class money for each successfully performed. I will be sending home a hard copy with each student. Feel free to click on the link April Poems or the picture to view online.
What’s Happening in Math
Math is going quickly at the end of the year!
We have already started Lesson 28 and will be finishing off the week with Lesson 29.
Important Dates: Monday – STEM @ 2:00 Tuesday – Library @ 1:00 May 2nd – Dibels End of Year Assessment @ 8:30-10:15 May 3rd – Dibels End of Year Assessment @ 8:30-10:15 May 8th – ELA RISE Test @ 1:25-2:10 May 10th – ELA RISE Test @ 10:15-11:00 May 20th – Math RISE Test @ 8:45-9:30 May 21st – Math RISE Test @10:15-11:00 May 22nd – Pirates from Grammar Island @ 1:30
I am sure you have heard many of our wonderful songs already, but for the real thing we will be performing on May 22nd at 2:00 sharp! Everyone is very excited to show their hard work!
There are multiple youtube videos of others performing the same play if your child wants to practice songs at home! As for costumes everyone needs to dress like a pirate. I was thinking a simple one would be a white button down shirt or striped t-shirt, black pants, and some pirate gear. To make it fancier you could get a vest, maybe a sash around the waist, a hat. I have collected some supplies over the years, and I would be happy to let students borrow my sashes, bandanas, and eye patches. Some students have other parts and costumes and I have talked to them about it already. We will need costumes checked off before the 14th of May. Let me know if you have any questions!