Week of September 4, 2017

  • The subscription service the school has been using is not working for all users. If you subscribed, but are not getting emails, don’t worry! We are trying out a few other subscription services to fix this problem. for now, try and check the blog at least once a week. 
  • On Thursday September 14th from 2:00-3:00 we will be carving apples for apple witches. Please send a medium-sized apple to school with your child by Wednesday September 13th (we will not be eating them). If you would like to volunteer, you may let me know on BLOOMZ, email or comment on this post please.  
    We will need 8 parent volunteers, 1/8 teaspoons (at least 10), and apple peelers (at least 8). If you have any of these items but cannot attend, please send them with your child, and I will make sure that they get back to you. 
  • DON’T FORGET we have early out @ 1:30 every Friday this year!!!
  • This Friday’s dollar dress down is in support of those effected by Hurricane Harvey. All funds will be sent to their aid. 
Math Homework:
Please go to prodigygame.com (or click on the link to the right, under math).  Your student’s login information is the last week’s post.  Please have your child do Prodigy for at least 15 minutes (M-Th).
I need each student/parent to use the class code: B6F93B to add to “Miss Young’s Class-3rd Grade”. That way, if you already have an account, I can see your login and password. 

Reading Homework:
Please make sure your child is reading 20 minutes each night. Please fill out the Reading Log on Friday (of each week).

Homework for the Week of Nov. 7, 2016

  • Upcoming Service Projects:  We have three opportunities to help others this holiday season.
    **Can Drive-Bring in cans that will be donated to the local food bank (October 25-November 9th).
    **We are creating a class basket to that POQA will sell as a fundraiser in December.  Our class basket’s theme will be “Sports”.  Ideas: sports equipment, any kind of ball, team shirts, team swag, posters, etc.
    This basket should be catered towards the children.  Please donate items to put into our class basket by November 29th.  
    **Third Grade Service Learning Project: We have the opportunity to help 100+ refugees who have recently moved to Utah with school supplies. We need are collecting: 1-1 1/2 inch binders, spiral notebooks, composition notebooks, fine tip Expo markers, pencils, lined paper, highlighters, personal pencil sharpeners, gently used books, glue sticks, and 1 centimeter graph paper.
  • Quest Spirit Night at November 14th from 5-10
  • Grandparents and Pastries November 9th 8:00 – 8:25

Sort and Reading Log


Blue Group-Sort

Yellow Group-Sort
Green Group-Sort

Orange Group-Sort

ABC Sort
Speed Sort
No Peeking Sort
Glue Sort


  • Prodigy for 15-20 minutes a night


  • Students are expected to read every night for 20 minutes

Seesaw Parent Access

Dear Parents,

This year we’re going to use a new tool to share what we’re learning in class called Seesaw. Your child will have his or her own learning journal, and you can get notified when your child adds new items. It’s completely private — only you can see your child’s journal outside of class.

Click on https://app.seesaw.me/s/765-144-170 to sign up — it takes just 30 seconds.

Once you sign up, you can download the Seesaw Parent app for iPhone or Android, or access your child’s journal on the web.


P.S. If you have more than one child using Seesaw, or want to add a new class/school year for your child, follow the link in this email, then click ‘Sign in’ tab at the top. You do not need to create a new account.


Please post the information below:

This year Quest wanted to provide our students with additional learning opportunities by providing clubs and STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) activities. We unfortunately did not have unlimited funds and were limited with the number of students who could participate.  In the future, we would like to offer additional club opportunities for everyone to enjoy.  POQA has taken on the task of raising money and has chosen not to sell cookie dough or gift wrap but to provide an opportunity to showcase what our students have done at a dinner event and silent auction.

Basket Fundraiser (in support of STEM activities for our students)

•Each grade has provided a theme basket with gifts, treats, gift cards, etc. Baskets can be viewed in the Q1 foyer.

•Anyone can purchase ticket(s)
Ticket prices
$1=1 ticket & a sticker
$5=6 tickets & a pencil
$10=15 tickets & a ball

•Tickets can then be placed in the bucket that coordinates with the basket of their choice

•The evening of the Gala, a ticket from each basket will be drawn and the basket will be awarded to the ticket holder (need not be present to win). 

Gala tickets are on sale again this week,before and after school, in the foyer of Q1.  If you are unable to purchase tickets at that time, please email lblakely@questac.org with your name and phone number and we will contact you to make arrangements.

Thank you!

Quest Clubs

Dear Parents,
Thank you for signing up for Quest Clubs. Following, you will find the club that your child’s name was drawn to be in. We apoligize for the short notice, but with the long weekend, we just realized we need to start clubs tommorrow, in order to be done by Spring Break. We are happy to announce that every student that signed up was able to get either their first or second choice of the clubs. Thank you again for being understanding about the short notice. Please note, the Running Club will not be starting until sometime in early March. We will send home the information about it when it becomes available. We will tell your child which teacher they are assigned on Tuesday after school. There are still some spots avaliable in the chimes clubs if more students want to join.
Dot and Dash

Diversity Quilt

From our Librarian Mrs. Anderson,

Dear Parents:

     Here in the library we have been discussing Global Literacy as a part of our STEM integration, basically explaining to your students that there is a big, wide world around them and how can they become more connected to it. We would like to explore Quest Academy’s diversity within our students by doing the following activity:  A Diversity Quilt. Students were sent home with a colored square which will become part of our “quilt.” We are asking that you work with your student and share something about your family’s culture, such as:

  • something you celebrate together
  • something you enjoy doing together
  • something that represents your family
Examples could be:
  • flags from where your family is from
  • family crests
  • Photographs of places visited
  • Words describing your family’s heritage
You can use crayons, markers, pens, or colored pencils to create your family’s representation. If you would like to see an example of a Diversity Quilt to get more ideas you can go to  kidworldcitizen.org
I am very excited about this project and I cannot wait to display the “quilt” showcasing the Quest community.
The quilt squares are due back Friday January 8th. Once all the squares have been collected an email will be sent out to let you know where you can come and see the quilt.
Parents, have fun with this project with your students, this is a great opportunity for them to learn about their heritage and be proud of who they are.

Thank you,
Nicole Anderson

Service Learning Activity

A part of STEM is learning to give back and being involved in the global community. For our first project, we wanted to show gratitude by sharing what we have with others who may not be as fortunate as we are. Thanksgiving is a perfect time to focus on others. Our new friends in Bottle Hollow, Utah are in need of school supplies and books. Their classrooms don’t have classroom libraries or access to any technology and they have very few school supplies.

Our third grade will be collecting gently used books, pencils, colored pencils, crayons, notebooks (of all kinds), lined paper, construction paper, glue, two pocket folders. and scissors.

Any donation would be appreciated. If you have another idea of how to help our just want to know what has already been given, write a comment or an email and I will get back to you ASAP.

We will be preparing and wrapping the gifts to send on November 16. Please have all donations turned in by that day.