Homework for the Week of Nov. 7, 2016

  • Upcoming Service Projects:  We have three opportunities to help others this holiday season.
    **Can Drive-Bring in cans that will be donated to the local food bank (October 25-November 9th).
    **We are creating a class basket to that POQA will sell as a fundraiser in December.  Our class basket’s theme will be “Sports”.  Ideas: sports equipment, any kind of ball, team shirts, team swag, posters, etc.
    This basket should be catered towards the children.  Please donate items to put into our class basket by November 29th.  
    **Third Grade Service Learning Project: We have the opportunity to help 100+ refugees who have recently moved to Utah with school supplies. We need are collecting: 1-1 1/2 inch binders, spiral notebooks, composition notebooks, fine tip Expo markers, pencils, lined paper, highlighters, personal pencil sharpeners, gently used books, glue sticks, and 1 centimeter graph paper.
  • Quest Spirit Night at November 14th from 5-10
  • Grandparents and Pastries November 9th 8:00 – 8:25

Sort and Reading Log


Blue Group-Sort

Yellow Group-Sort
Green Group-Sort

Orange Group-Sort

ABC Sort
Speed Sort
No Peeking Sort
Glue Sort


  • Prodigy for 15-20 minutes a night


  • Students are expected to read every night for 20 minutes

Homework for the Week of October 31,2016

  • Upcoming Service Projects:  We have three opportunities to help others this holiday season.
    **Can Drive-Bring in cans that will be donated to the local food bank (October 25-November 9th).
    **We are creating a class basket to that POQA will sell as a fundraiser in December.  Our class basket’s theme will be “Sports”.  Ideas: sports equipment, any kind of ball, team shirts, team swag, posters, etc.
    This basket should be catered towards the children.  Please donate items to put into our class basket by November 29th.  
    **Third Grade Service Learning Project: We have the opportunity to help 100+ refugees who have recently moved to Utah with school supplies. We need are collecting: 1-1 1/2 inch binders, spiral notebooks, composition notebooks, fine tip Expo markers, pencils, lined paper, highlighters, personal pencil sharpeners, gently used books, glue sticks, and 1 centimeter graph paper.
  • Quest Spirit Night at November 14th from 5-10
  • Grandparents and Pastries November 9th 8:00 – 8:25

Sort and Reading Log


Blue Group-Sort

Yellow Group-Sort
Green Group-Sort

Orange Group-Sort

Only do three sorts this week!!!! Happy Halloween!!
ABC Sort
Speed Sort
Glue Sort



  • Students are expected to read every night for 20 minutes

Dance Club

Our first 3rd grade club will be starting next week! We are going to be doing a dance club after school from 3:00-4:00 on Tuesdays for the next 6 weeks. We will be learning a few common dances and then we will have one routine that we will work on from week to week. We will either be performing it or we will record the finished dance and post it on the Quest Facebook page. 

The contract for the club is available here. —>Club Contract
In order to be officially signed up for the club, this contract along, with the $10 fee (which will cover the club t-shirt and refreshments for the 6 weeks) will need to be turned into the office. We will operate on a first come, first serve basis. We will have approximately 20 student participants.

Any questions can be directed to Miss Young at nyoung@questac.org

Seesaw Parent Access

Dear Parents,

This year we’re going to use a new tool to share what we’re learning in class called Seesaw. Your child will have his or her own learning journal, and you can get notified when your child adds new items. It’s completely private — only you can see your child’s journal outside of class.

Click on https://app.seesaw.me/s/765-144-170 to sign up — it takes just 30 seconds.

Once you sign up, you can download the Seesaw Parent app for iPhone or Android, or access your child’s journal on the web.


P.S. If you have more than one child using Seesaw, or want to add a new class/school year for your child, follow the link in this email, then click ‘Sign in’ tab at the top. You do not need to create a new account.

Halloween Help

Hello!!!  Our Halloween Party coming up on Friday, October 28th.  I wanted to give you a heads-up about the schedule that day.  It is a short day, so the kids will be leaving at 1:00.  For those of you that don’t know, the school does a Halloween parade, so all the students walk through both schools to show off their cute costumes.  It usually lasts till about 10:00, so I thought we could start our class party at 10:05 and have it last until 11:25 (when they leave for recess/lunch). I am planning on having stations and rotate (kind of like centers) with one parent or volunteer running each one. Each station can be a craft, game, or food project.  I’d love to have some volunteers to help us with this. Please let me know if you can help us! Thanks so much for helping us have a great time celebrating Halloween!!!

As of now we will be having assorted candy (licorice, suckers, candy corn, Resse’s peanut butter cups), pretzel rods, and cookies. If there are any issues, let me know.
Miss Young

Homework for the Week of October 24, 2016

  • A huge THANK YOU to all of the parents who helped in the apple witch process! We could not have done it without you!! Thank you for the extra supplies and the time it took to make this activity so great!!
  • Positive Me Week starts Monday
    • Monday-wear a favorite accessory such as a bracelet, necklace, pin, hair bow, belt, tie, etc. Please no hats.
    • Tuesday-wear red.
    • Wednesday-wear crazy socks.
    • Thursday-show team spirit, wear a team jersey or Quest shirt.
    • Friday-Wear a costume or wear orange.
  • Halloween Parade is on Friday. It is also a short day. 
  • If you would like to do one of our rotations (craft, game, decorating food) for the Halloween Party, please let me know ASAP.

Sort and Reading Log


Blue Group-Sort

Yellow Group-Sort
Green Group-Sort

Orange Group-Sort **revised**

ABC Sort
Speed Sort
No Peeking Sort
Glue Sort



  • Students are expected to read every night for 20 minutes


We have had a few items go missing in the past couple weeks. If you happen to see a box of Pokemon cards that is blue, a little lego shark figurine (taken from off of my desk), or other items you don’t recognize I would appreciate an email. We do not trade cards or toys here at school so there should not be anything new coming home.

I’m sad that we are struggling with this! We have had many talks in class and I hope that things will turn back up. 

As a reminder, please do not allow your child to bring Pokemon or other trading cards to school. Also, anything brought to school has the chance of being misplaced, so I would hate for something precious to go missing.

Homework for the Week of October 10, 2016

  • If you haven’t signed up for Bloomz, please do!! Our class code is:  KHRMJ2
  • Apple witches on October 18th at 1:30

Sort and Reading Log


Blue Group-Sort

Yellow Group-Sort
Green Group-Sort

Orange Group-Sort

ABC Sort
Speed Sort
No Peeking Sort
Glue Sort



  • Students are expected to read every night for 20 minutes

Apple Witches

This note was sent home Monday. Let me know if there are any questions. 

Dear Parents,

            Your third grader is in the process of making an apple witch. For this project, your student needs to bring a few items from home. If you have any problems providing the materials needed, please email me as soon as possible. If we do not hear from you, we will not have extra materials available for your child. Your student will need these materials by Tuesday, October 18th (all put together). If he/she brings them before then, great.

Attached is a pattern for the dress, gloves and a hat. Please have all of these items precut and the dress sewn together, leaving a very small space open (Just big enough for a skewer to fit through) for the neck. If you can make the hat, that would be very helpful also (just roll the hat top into a cone, and glue it in the middle of the hat brim). Place all parts in a baggie and label them with your child’s name. Following these steps will save A LOT OF TIME! Note: If you cannot sew the dress, please send it precut by the 14th of October and we have some fabulous moms who will help us with sewing.


  • 1 Square foot of any material (Cut out the using the dress pattern)
  • 1 to 2 Small pieces of felt (Any color you want to match your material. Use the glove pattern and cut out 4. You may use the same piece, or a different color to cut out the hat.
  • 1 six inch stick or twig from a tree for a broomstick. Please do not send a dowel. It should be about the size that was shown in class.

I will provide your student with yarn for hair and the needed pipe cleaner for the arms. Upon completion of this portion of the project, your student will be writing about the character they have made. We will then send the apple witch home with a fun story about it.   This project will store for many years to come.

We will be dressing our apple witches on Tuesday, October 18th, starting at 1:30. If you can help us that day, please sign the note below and return to school as soon as possible.


Miss Young


_____ I can sew dresses after the 14th of October

_____ I can help with apple witches Tuesday October 18th from 1:30-3:00

Name ______________________________________