I am super excited for this new school year to start. Here are some things that you can do before Back to School Night to help you stay up to date on what will be happening in our class this year. I look forward to meeting all of you on Back to School Night!! Have a great summer!!!
1. Subscribe to our Class Blog!! Just look to your right and you will see a spot to enter your email address. After you enter your email address you will receive an email asking you to verify the email that you entered. PLEASE VERIFY YOUR EMAIL. You will not receive notifications from our blog unless you do this step. ***If you subscribed before August 9, 2018, please subscribe again.***

2. Down load the app “Bloomz” on your smartphone. Below is a step by step guide on how to get hooked up to our class messaging system. I use Bloomz a lot!! I send notifications, text messages, and can easily communication with parents when I do not have my computer. Please sign up!!!