Category Archives: Class Business
Field Day 2018
Dear Parents,
Field day is coming up on Thursday, May 24th. Each grade is in charge of the activities for their students. Space is limited at Quest, so 3rd grade will be having our field day at Stonefield Park in West Haven. The address is 4529 S 4700 W, West Haven. It is about .8 of a mile from Quest Academy. We will need all parents to drop of their students at the park between 8:00 – 8:30. While there, we will be doing a rotation of super fun activities.
- Sponge toss
- Tug-of-War/Partner Tag
- Popsicle and park time
- Cotton candy
- Over/Under Sponge Relay Race
- Marco Polo
- Dress up Relay
- Fruit Basket
- Balloon Tag
- Freeze Dance
- Drip-Drip-Drop
At the end of field day, we are tentatively going to have a visit from the fire department who are going to spray us with the fire hose. We will then walk back to Quest for recess, lunch, and pick-up.
In order to have all of these fun activities we are going to need help from our excellent parents. We would love to have two parents per station to help and supervise.
Thank you, Third Grade
_______Yes, I will be able to volunteer on field day on Thursday, May 24th.
_______ No, I will not be able to volunteer on field day on Thursday, May 24th.
_______ I can’t volunteer that day, but I can donate materials. I can send in: balloons, yarn, water buckets, portable speaker, large men’s clothes for dress up relay. (circle your donation)
__________________________ _____________________________
Child’s Name Parent Signature
Field Day
Pirates from Grammar Island
There are multiple youtube videos of others performing the same play if your child wants to practice songs at home! As for costumes everyone needs to dress like a pirate. I was thinking a simple one would be a white button down shirt or striped t-shirt, black pants, and some pirate gear. To make it fancier you could get a vest, maybe a sash around the waist, a hat. I have collected some supplies over the years, and I would be happy to let students borrow my sashes, bandanas, and eye patches. Some students have other parts and costumes and I have talked to them about it already. We will need costumes checked off before the 14th of May. Let me know if you have any questions!

Week of April 9, 2018
- If you have not paid the $20 donation from the beginning of the year for your child’s classroom supplies, please do so
- If you are not sure if you did or not, I have a list
- For math, we are working on telling time to the minute and elapsed time.
- Please keep working on multiplication at home!!
- Here is the spelling and vocabulary list Weekly Outline – Unit 5 Week 5
- we will be working on closed syllables
- open syllables
- cvc words
- We are also starting our country reports! All students have chosen a country to research and will be presenting their findings in a Google Slides presentation!
- Name badges must be worn at all times during the day. Please make sure that your child has theirs with them.
- We have started practicing our end of the year musical, Pirates from Grammar Island!
- Important Dates:
- Aquarium Field trip- Tuesday, May 8th
- Pirates from Grammar Island Dress Rehearsal- Monday, May 14th @ 9:40
- Pirates from Grammar Island Performance- Tuesday, May 15th @ 2:00
- Short day every Friday!!
Please go to (or click on the link to the right, under math). Your student’s login information is the last week’s post. Please have your child do Prodigy for at least 15 minutes (M-Th).
I need each student/parent to use the class code: B6F93B to add to “Miss Young’s Class-3rd Grade”. That way, if you already have an account, I can see your login and password.
Reading Homework:
Please make sure your child is reading 20 minutes each night. Please fill out the Reading Log on Friday (of each week).
Fuel of the Future-On Grade Level
Fuel of the Future-Approaching Grade Level
Fuel of the Future-Intervention
Imagine Learning (counts as reading time)
If you want to do Imagine Learning for Reading Practice the site code is 4900132 the username and login are the same that your student uses to log on to all of the computers at Quest. The link is under Class Links and Language Arts Links.
Week of March 19, 2018
- If you have not paid the $20 donation from the beginning of the year for your child’s classroom supplies, please do so
- If you are not sure if you did or not, I have a list
- For math, we are working on graphing
- Please keep working on multiplication at home!!
- Here is the spelling and vocabulary list Weekly Outline-Unit 5 Week 3
- we will be working on closed syllables
- vc/cv
- We are also starting our country reports! All students have chosen a country to research and will be presenting their findings in a Google Slides presentation!
- Name badges must be worn at all times during the day. Please make sure that your child has theirs with them.
- Important Dates:
- Aquarium Field trip- Tuesday, May 8th
- Short day every Friday!!
Please go to (or click on the link to the right, under math). Your student’s login information is the last week’s post. Please have your child do Prodigy for at least 15 minutes (M-Th).
I need each student/parent to use the class code: B6F93B to add to “Miss Young’s Class-3rd Grade”. That way, if you already have an account, I can see your login and password.
Reading Homework:
Please make sure your child is reading 20 minutes each night. Please fill out the Reading Log on Friday (of each week).
Firefighting Heroes-On Level Text
Firefighting Heroes-Approaching Level Text
Imagine Learning (counts as reading time)
If you want to do Imagine Learning for Reading Practice the site code is 4900132 the username and login are the same that your student uses to log on to all of the computers at Quest. The link is under Class Links and Language Arts Links.
School Carnival!
Week of March 12, 2018
- If you have not paid the $20 donation from the beginning of the year for your child’s classroom supplies, please do so
- If you are not sure if you did or not, I have a list
- For math, we are working on comparing fractions
- Please keep working on multiplication at home!!
- Here is the spelling and vocabulary list Weekly Outline-Unit 5 Week 2
- we will be working on endings
- -ed, -ing, -s, -es
- We are also starting our country reports! All students have chosen a country to research and will be presenting their findings in a Google Slides presentation!
- Name badges must be worn at all times during the day. Please make sure that your child has theirs with them.
- Important Dates:
- Aquarium Field trip- Tuesday, May 8th
- Short day every Friday!!
Please go to (or click on the link to the right, under math). Your student’s login information is the last week’s post. Please have your child do Prodigy for at least 15 minutes (M-Th).
I need each student/parent to use the class code: B6F93B to add to “Miss Young’s Class-3rd Grade”. That way, if you already have an account, I can see your login and password.
Reading Homework:
Please make sure your child is reading 20 minutes each night. Please fill out the Reading Log on Friday (of each week).
The Great Book Swap
The Salvage Crew
Imagine Learning (counts as reading time)
If you want to do Imagine Learning for Reading Practice the site code is 4900132 the username and login are the same that your student uses to log on to all of the computers at Quest. The link is under Class Links and Language Arts Links.