Dear Parents,
Your third grader is in the process of making an apple witch. For this project, your student needs to bring a few items from home. If you have any problems providing the materials needed, please email me as soon as possible. If we do not hear from you, we will not have extra materials available for your child. Your student will need these materials by Tuesday, October 17th (all put together). If he/she brings them before then, great.
Attached is a pattern for the dress, gloves and a hat. Please have all of these items precut and the dress sewn together, leaving a very small space open (Just big enough for a skewer to fit through) for the neck. If you can make the hat, that would be very helpful also (just roll the hat top into a cone, and glue it in the middle of the hat brim). Place all parts in a baggie and label them with your child’s name. Following these steps will save A LOT OF TIME! Note: If you cannot sew the dress, please send it precut by the 13th of October and we have some fabulous moms who will help us with sewing.
- 1 Square foot of any material (Cut out the using the dress pattern)
- 1 to 2 Small pieces of felt (Any color you want to match your material. Use the glove pattern and cut out 4. You may use the same piece, or a different color to cut out the hat.
- 1 six inch stick or twig from a tree for a broomstick. Please do not send a dowel. It should be about the size that was shown in class.
I will provide your student with yarn for hair and the needed pipe cleaner for the arms. Upon completion of this portion of the project, your student will be writing about the character they have made. We will then send the apple witch home with a fun story about it. This project will store for many years to come.
We will be dressing our apple witches on Tuesday, October 17th, starting at 1:30. If you can help us that day, please sign the note below and return to school as soon as possible. The paper patterns are coming home with your child today.
Miss Young