
Welcome to 3rd Grade! I am so excited to get ready for the new school year. I am really looking forward to meeting all of you. This is going to be a fabulous year. Here are a few announcements just to get us started. All announcements from here on out will be available on our class blog. To subscribe enter your email address on the side of the page where it says, “Make sure to subscribe to our blog!”

Remember Back To School Night is Monday, August 14 from 5:30 to 7:00. I will be doing a presentation every 15 minutes starting at 5:30. If there is a session already started when you get to class, please wait for the next one. At 7:00 we will be having an inclusion parent meeting that will be in the Q1 Gym. Please come with any question you might have about our upcoming school year. We will be talking with all of the inclusion teachers and aids, as well as the SPED coordinators.

I’ve decided to do my supplies a little differently this year. I am giving the parents and option to pay $20 to cover each student’s supplies. (If you can, I would prefer this. I already bought class sets of all the supplies. I promise it is a great deal for all these great supplies!) This way I can get all needed supplies purchased and labeled before students even come back to school and parents have a few less things to buy during a busy time of year.

You can start paying the $20 to the office the day school starts or on back to school night. I will be buying, labeling, and organizing the supplies over the summer so that we will be ready–or close to it–by the first day of school!
The $20 will purchase each student:
  • Pencil pouch
  • Colored pencils
  • Crayons
  • 3 Folders, including a homework folder
  • 2 Spiral notebooks
  • 3 Composition notebook
  • Scissors
  • 3 Mechanical pencils
  • Headphones (if you already have headphones that you like, you are welcome to bring them. Regardless, there will be a set available for every student that stays at school.)
  • Glue sticks
  • Copy paper
  • 1 Box of Tissues
  • 1 Container of anti-bacterial wipes (i.e. Clorox or Lysol)
  • 1 roll of paper towels
                                                                         Have a great last couple days of summer!
                                                                         Miss Young

Last Week of 3rd Grade

  • Tuesday
    • The play is TOMORROW!!! Our first performance is at 9:00 am and the second is at 6:30.
    • Students may come to school in their costume and then change into uniform after the performance.
    • Students need to be at the school at 6:00 with their costume already on. Please let me know if there are any delays or problems getting to the school.
    • Please put your phones on airplane mode when you come to the performance, we are having issues with the microphones and this helps!
  • Thursday
    • FIELD DAY!!!
    • All students must bring a home lunch. There will not be school lunch that day.
    • All students need to wear their tie-dye shirts. It is a free dress down day, but we want to distinguish 3rd graders from the rest.
    • All students need to bring a water bottle.
    • I would recommend wearing sunscreen.
  • Friday
    • Free dress down and a short day.
    • We will be having our cast party, which includes watching our Tuesday performance and having popcorn and juice. If this is a problem, let me know.
    • We will be giving out class awards.
    • We will be watching all of the iMovies that students made this week.
    • We will also be signing yearbooks on this day.
Phewwww! That was a ton of info! It is going to be a crazy week, but we are going to have so much fun! I love our class so much, I really am going to miss each and every student. Thank you so much for your support this year, volunteering, chaperoning, sending in supplies, and everything else you do. This is definitely a team effort. Have a wonderful and safe and adventurous summer! 

                                                                                                              Miss Young

Homework for the Week of April 24, 2017

  • Please continue to practice and drill your multiplication facts at home.
  • Play Practice is in full swing! Start looking for costumes.
  • SAGE Writing this week. Please make sure students are on time, get plenty of sleep, and eat a good breakfast.
    • SAGE Writing Session #1- Tuesday, April 25th @ 9:50-10:50
      SAGE Writing Session #2-Wednesday, April 26th @ 10:40-11:40



Students know that when we count money each one gets a certain number of “touches” (this is touch math). Quarters get 5 touches, dimes get 2 touches, nickels get 1 touch, and pennies get the number 1 written on it.

We are going to focus on a review sort for the whole class to prepare for our writing test.
Review Sort


Students are expected to read every night for 20 minutes.

  • Please record your reading minutes under the Library Reading Challenge tab as well as on the reading log. Here is the updated reading log if you want to print it out and turn it in. Reading Log

**Important SAGE Testing Information**

It’s time to get started with our end of year SAGE testing.  I really want to make sure your children are well rested and full with a BIG, yummy, protein rich breakfast on these testing dates.  Also, please make sure your children are here and are ON TIME these days!  We want them to be as successful as possible.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  

Also, research shows that students are calmer and focus better when they chew peppermint gum during tests.  So, I will be giving peppermint gum to the students during each session.  If you do not want your child to have gum, please contact me and let me know.  Thanks so much for all you do!

SAGE Writing Session #1- Tuesday, April 25th @ 9:50-10:50
SAGE Writing Session #2-Wednesday, April 26th @ 10:40-11:40

SAGE Language Arts Session #1-Tuesday, May 9th @ 9:40-10:40
SAGE Language Arts Session #2-Thursday, May 11th @ 9:30-10:30

SAGE Math Session #1- Tuesday, May 16th @ 2:00-3:00
SAGE Math Session #2- Thursday, May 18th @ 2:00-3:00

Multiplication Madness Celebration/Valentine’s Day Card Swap

**We will be passing out Valentine’s Day cards on February 14th (before the Multiplication Madness Celebration).  We have 24 students in our class.  I prefer for the students not address the student’s names on the Valentine Cards.  It takes double the time to pass them out if they are addressed to each individual student in our class.  Please have your child just sign each of their cards.  Remember not to send candy with your cards.  You can bring anything else that is not edible.  WE WILL NOT BE MAKING VALENTINE’S DAY BOXES OR BAGS TO HOLD CARDS.  STUDENTS ARE WELCOME TO BRING BOXES OR BAGS FROM HOME.  I WILL HAVE PAPER SACKS TO GIVE THE STUDENTS THAT NEED SOMETHING.**

We will need parents to help and volunteer with the Multiplication Madness Ice Cream Sundae Party.  Parents that are able to come and help us, please come to the Q1 gym on February 14th @ 1:30 in the afternoon.  I know a lot of parents aren’t able to make it to the party, but we are in need of donations as well.  Our class is responsible for:
We have enough bowls and napkins
135 spoons

135 bowls-
135 napkins
135 placemats-In the past Chick-fil-a has donated these for our math activity. I just need someone to go and pick them up.

Please let me know if you would like to help with volunteering and/or donating on this day. Any parents that can come to help, please bring an ice cream scooper.  Thanks so much for all your support with all our extra shenanigans in third grade!  You’re all the best!

Parent Teacher Conferences

Quest Administration has decided to go back to the traditional Parent Teacher Conference schedule the second half of this year. We will be meeting from 3:15-7:00 on Tuesday, February 21st and 3:30-7:00 (I have parking lot duty) on Thursday, February 23rd. Please sign-up for the time that best fits your schedule. I am excited to sit down with each of you, share data, and discuss your child’s progress. Thanks so much for all your support!

Sign ups will be through bloomz.net If you haven’t signed up for Bloomz, please do!! Our class code is:  KHRMJ2