Diversity Quilt

From our Librarian Mrs. Anderson,

Dear Parents:

     Here in the library we have been discussing Global Literacy as a part of our STEM integration, basically explaining to your students that there is a big, wide world around them and how can they become more connected to it. We would like to explore Quest Academy’s diversity within our students by doing the following activity:  A Diversity Quilt. Students were sent home with a colored square which will become part of our “quilt.” We are asking that you work with your student and share something about your family’s culture, such as:

  • something you celebrate together
  • something you enjoy doing together
  • something that represents your family
Examples could be:
  • flags from where your family is from
  • family crests
  • Photographs of places visited
  • Words describing your family’s heritage
You can use crayons, markers, pens, or colored pencils to create your family’s representation. If you would like to see an example of a Diversity Quilt to get more ideas you can go to  kidworldcitizen.org
I am very excited about this project and I cannot wait to display the “quilt” showcasing the Quest community.
The quilt squares are due back Friday January 8th. Once all the squares have been collected an email will be sent out to let you know where you can come and see the quilt.
Parents, have fun with this project with your students, this is a great opportunity for them to learn about their heritage and be proud of who they are.

Thank you,
Nicole Anderson

Homework for the Week of Oct. 26, 2015

  • If you haven’t filled out the food permissions, please do that here.
  • Positive me week!
  • Mon.  “Scare Away Bad Health”- Wear crazy socks.
    Tues. 27th: “Scare Away Drugs”- Wear red.
    Wed. 28th: “Scare Away Bullies”- Show team spirit by wearing a team jersey or t-shirt.
    Thur. 29th: “Scare Away Negativity”- Wear favorite accessory such as a bracelet, necklace, pin, hair bow, belt, tie, Please no hats.
    Fri.30th: “Scare Up Some Fun”- Wear a costume or wear orange
  • Friday we will have our Halloween parade from 9-10.
  • The Halloween party will be from 10:00 to 11:30. We still need a few more volunteers (thank you Mrs. Hampson and Mrs. Sparks!!). 
Sort and Reading Log

Word Sorts

Blue Group-Sort/Key

Yellow Group-Sort/Key

Green Group-Sort/Key

Purple GroupSort/Key

Orange Group-Sort/Key

Monday-ABC Sort

Tuesday-Speed Sort
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort
Thursday-Glue Sort

Halloween Party

Hello!!!  Our Halloween Party coming up on Friday, October 30th.  I wanted to give you a heads-up about he schedule that day.  It is a short day, so the kids will be leaving at 1:00.  For those of you that don’t know, the school does a Halloween parade, so all the students walk through both schools to show off their cute costumes.  It usually lasts till about 10:00, so I thought we could start our class party at 10:05 and have it last until 11:30 (when they leave for recess/lunch). I have one amazing volunteer Mrs. Hampson, but I was thinking we could do stations and rotate (kind of like centers) with one parent or volunteer running each one. Each station can be a craft, game, or food project.  I’d love to have three more volunteers to help us with this. Please let me know if you can help us! Thanks so much for helping us have a great time celebrating Halloween!!!
Miss Young

Apple Witches

This note was sent home Friday. Let me know if there are any questions. There is a little wiggle room on the October 8th deadline because we aren’t dressing our witches until the 20th. 

Dear Parents,

            Your third grader is in the process of making an apple witch.  For this project, your student needs to bring a few items from home.  If you have any problems providing the materials needed, please email me as soon as possible.  If we do not hear from you, we will not have extra materials available for your child.  Your student will need these materials by Thursday, October 8th.  If he/she brings them before then, great.  Attached is a pattern for the dress, gloves and a hat.  Dress Pattern Please have all of these items precut and the dress sewn together, leaving a very small space open  (Just big enough for a skewer to fi through) for the neck. If you can make the hat, that would be very helpful also (just roll the hat top into a cone, and glue it in the middle of the hat brim). Place all parts in a baggie and label them with your child’s name.  Following these steps will save A LOT OF TIME!  Note: If you cannot sew the dress, please send it precut and we have some fabulous moms who will help us with sewing.


  • 1 Square foot of any material (Cut out the using the dress pattern)
  • 1 to 2 Small pieces of felt (Any color you want to match your material.  Use the glove pattern and cut out 4.  You may use the same piece, or a different color to cut out the hat.
  • 1 six inch stick or twig from a tree for a broomstick.  Please do not send a dowel. It should be about the size that was shown in class.

I will provide your student with yarn for hair and the needed pipe cleaner for the arms.  Upon completion of this portion of the project, your student will be writing about the character they have made.  We will then send the apple witch home with a fun story about it.   This project will store for many years to come.

We will be dressing our apple witches on Tuesday, October 20th, starting at 1:30.  If you can help us that day, please sign the note below and return to school as soon as possible.


Miss Young


_____ I can sew dresses after the 8th of October

_____ I can help with apple people Tuesday October 20th from 1:30-3:00

Name ______________________________________

Homework for the Week of Sept. 21, 2015

  • Raz Kids username:  nyoung23
  •  The first Parent Teacher Conferences are this Thursday. Let me know if you would like to come in and chat. If no one needs to I will just send out some invites.
  • I’ve attached the finished sort for each group so you will know the right answers. 😀
Sort and Reading Log

Word Sorts

Blue Group-Sort/Answer Key
Yellow Group-Sort/Answer Key

Green Group-Sort/Answer Key
Purple GroupSort/Answer Key

Orange Group-Sort/Answer Key

Monday-ABC Sort

Tuesday-Speed Sort
Wednesday-No Peeking Sort
Thursday-Glue Sort

Apple Witches

 I really want to do a fun witch apple project to correlate with our writing. In order to do this, I need several parent volunteers who would be willing to come into our class on Friday, September 18 at 9:30, bring an apple peeler, and help with this project for an hour or so. I also would need a few parent volunteers to sew (at home) extra witch costumes (very easy sewing).  Please let me know by either commenting on this post or emailing me if you would be willing to help out with this project.

We will be carving apple witches on Friday morning.  I need every student to bring
 one apple by Thursday.  This allows me to see how many apples I need to purchase for students who do not bring one.  The apple needs to be medium size.   Please contact me with any questions or concerns.  

Christmas Family Portrait Event  is back at Quest!

What is it? 
It is a fundraiser put on by the Technology Department to earn money for STEM Clubs this year! For example, we are going to participate in Lego Robotic Competitions, Cyberpatriot ones and more!  
How does it work? 
We have invited Toni J Studios back to our school!  She is an award winning photographer and has been a photographer for over 20 years.  Sitting Fees can cost anywhere from $50-$300 depending on where and who takes your picture right?  Well, Toni J is only going to only charge $25 for her sitting fee for us, and guess what???? She is going to donate the FULL $25 to Quest Academy!  She is willing to take all of our portraits for FREE those three nights and give us that money.  She is also going to donate a percentage of the portrait sales to us!!! This fundraiser is so AWESOME because we do not have to put any money out.  It is straight profit for us!  
Step 1.  Please print the ticket (or check your child’s back pack, one should be coming home tonight) fill out the ticket and return it to the office with your child’s name and the $25 (you can put it in an envelope and your child’s teacher will give it to the office) – please write your checks out to Quest Academy.  Next, call the number on the ticket and book your appt.  (October 1,2 or 3) Please do this before Sept. 25th so we can get an idea on how many time slots we need those nights :). 
Step 2.  Come and get your Family Portrait taken on the date you booked.  They will be doing them in the Q1 gym. 
Step 3.  Toni J and staff will come back to Quest and you will come in to proof your portraits and order your prints.  These prints are HIGH quality and will be retouched.  The packages run from $89 -$259 and we promise you will be happy.  You can ask any of us that have used her in our past fundraisers. She has unique Christmas Cards for you to order and all of your portraits will be ready in time to deliver for Christmas gifts!!!
As easy as that right? 
Look at your family portrait at home and ask yourself if it is time to update it and help Quest be able to start some engaging clubs for your children ALL at the same time!  It’s the perfect time of year to do it and for a great cause. 
The Technology Department is going to provide a Pizza Party for the class that sells the most Sitting Fee’s.  Remember, to share this with your extended family as well, it is not only for Students at Quest. 
Thank you in advance!  We have a slideshow up in Q1 with some samples, we also have some samples in the Q1 Mac Lab and some images on FB if you haven’t checked them out yet!