Homework for the Week of Feb. 20, 2017

  • Please continue to practice and drill your multiplication facts at home.
  • Sign up for PTC on bloomz!!


-No Spelling because of the short week


Students are expected to read every night for 20 minutes.
  • Please record your reading minutes under the Library Reading Challenge tab as well as on the reading log. Here is the updated reading log if you want to print it out and turn it in. Reading Log

Homework for the Week of Nov. 28, 2016

  • Service Projects:  We have three opportunities to help others this holiday season.
    **We are creating a class basket to that POQA will sell as a fundraiser in December.  Our class basket’s theme will be “Sports”.  Ideas: sports equipment, any kind of ball, team shirts, team swag, posters, etc.
    This basket should be catered towards the children.  Please donate items to put into our class basket by November 29th.  
    **Third Grade Service Learning Project: We have the opportunity to help 100+ refugees who have recently moved to Utah with school supplies. We need are collecting: 1-1 1/2 inch binders, spiral notebooks, composition notebooks, fine tip Expo markers, pencils, lined paper, highlighters, personal pencil sharpeners, gently used books, glue sticks, and 1 centimeter graph paper.
  • Our field trip will be next Tuesday, December 6th. Please make sure to not be late! Our bus will be leaving right after we take roll.
    • Please have your student wear their tie-dye shirt to school that day. 

Sort and Reading Log


Blue Group-Sort

Yellow Group-Sort
Green Group-Sort

Orange Group-Sort

ABC Sort
Speed Sort
No Peeking Sort
Glue Sort



    • Students are expected to read every night for 20 minute

    Dance Club

    Our first 3rd grade club will be starting next week! We are going to be doing a dance club after school from 3:00-4:00 on Tuesdays for the next 6 weeks. We will be learning a few common dances and then we will have one routine that we will work on from week to week. We will either be performing it or we will record the finished dance and post it on the Quest Facebook page. 

    The contract for the club is available here. —>Club Contract
    In order to be officially signed up for the club, this contract along, with the $10 fee (which will cover the club t-shirt and refreshments for the 6 weeks) will need to be turned into the office. We will operate on a first come, first serve basis. We will have approximately 20 student participants.

    Any questions can be directed to Miss Young at nyoung@questac.org

    Apple Witches

    This note was sent home Monday. Let me know if there are any questions. 

    Dear Parents,

                Your third grader is in the process of making an apple witch. For this project, your student needs to bring a few items from home. If you have any problems providing the materials needed, please email me as soon as possible. If we do not hear from you, we will not have extra materials available for your child. Your student will need these materials by Tuesday, October 18th (all put together). If he/she brings them before then, great.

    Attached is a pattern for the dress, gloves and a hat. Please have all of these items precut and the dress sewn together, leaving a very small space open (Just big enough for a skewer to fit through) for the neck. If you can make the hat, that would be very helpful also (just roll the hat top into a cone, and glue it in the middle of the hat brim). Place all parts in a baggie and label them with your child’s name. Following these steps will save A LOT OF TIME! Note: If you cannot sew the dress, please send it precut by the 14th of October and we have some fabulous moms who will help us with sewing.


    • 1 Square foot of any material (Cut out the using the dress pattern)
    • 1 to 2 Small pieces of felt (Any color you want to match your material. Use the glove pattern and cut out 4. You may use the same piece, or a different color to cut out the hat.
    • 1 six inch stick or twig from a tree for a broomstick. Please do not send a dowel. It should be about the size that was shown in class.

    I will provide your student with yarn for hair and the needed pipe cleaner for the arms. Upon completion of this portion of the project, your student will be writing about the character they have made. We will then send the apple witch home with a fun story about it.   This project will store for many years to come.

    We will be dressing our apple witches on Tuesday, October 18th, starting at 1:30. If you can help us that day, please sign the note below and return to school as soon as possible.


    Miss Young


    _____ I can sew dresses after the 14th of October

    _____ I can help with apple witches Tuesday October 18th from 1:30-3:00

    Name ______________________________________

    Homework for the Week of Jan 4, 2016

    • Don’t forget to bring in box tops
    • Multiplication Madness has started!!
    Sort and Reading Log


    • 20 minutes of reading
    • www.prodigygame.com/play
    • 20 minutes of reading
    • 6 Facts Every other problem

    Apple Witches

     I really want to do a fun witch apple project to correlate with our writing. In order to do this, I need several parent volunteers who would be willing to come into our class on Friday, September 18 at 9:30, bring an apple peeler, and help with this project for an hour or so. I also would need a few parent volunteers to sew (at home) extra witch costumes (very easy sewing).  Please let me know by either commenting on this post or emailing me if you would be willing to help out with this project.

    We will be carving apple witches on Friday morning.  I need every student to bring
     one apple by Thursday.  This allows me to see how many apples I need to purchase for students who do not bring one.  The apple needs to be medium size.   Please contact me with any questions or concerns.  