Homework Post

Please print off the homework tracker each week. If we only have reading for homework I will let you know so you can print off the reading log only. 

Here is the Homework Trackerfor the weekly language arts homework form.

Here is the Weekly-Reading-Log for when we only have reading for homework. 

Weekly Word Study Homework Instructions:
Print off the weekly WORD SORT sheet and use for the following activities:

**Note: Many cards are pictures, please encourage your child to spell as much of the word as they can.**

o  Print, cut, and sort word cards with an adult and explain this week’s rule.
o  Write GUIDE words at the top of each column. 
o  Some guide words have a C or V combination on them- C stands for consonant and V stands for vowel.
o  READ a word card aloud.
o  WRITE the word under the correct guide.
o  REPEAT (read, write, repeat until all word cards are listed)

  • Grab your sort words and lay out each word so that it is facing down. 
  • Pick up one card at a time.
  • READ each card aloud
  • SORT each word
  • WRITE the word under the correct guide word on the homework page. 
  • READ all the words again in each sort and make sure they are in the right column. 

Wednesday- BLIND SORT
o  READ quickly through the words. 
o  Write GUIDE words at the top of each column. 
o  LISTEN as someone reads a word card to you (do not look at the word card).
o  WRITE the word under the correct guide. Goal: correct spelling and placed in correct category.
o  REPEAT (listen, write, repeat until all word cards are listed) 

  • READ quickly through the words.
  • Have someone TIME how long it takes you to SORT the words.
  • Try to beat your time.
  • One more time.
  • RECORD the sort. 

Note: If the sort homework exceeds 10 minutes any day (Monday – Thursday) please feel free to stop and sign anywhere on that day. I will count that as completed homework. For example: “Wilma is working hard on her homework but it is taking too long.”,  include parent/guardian signature.

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