Homework for Week September 5th-9th

This week on the homework syllabus says only Reading homework. Here is the reading tracker. Weekly-Reading-Log. Homework will be due Friday September 9th. 

Here is the class password to get onto RAZ-KIDS if your child would like to read online as well. Go to questac.org, click on for students, then student links. Under there find RAZ-KIDS. Then put in my password qbischoff and have your child find their name. 

However I would like to add a little bit of math to get them practicing at home as well. 

                                                   Math Timings
Attatched is the math timing sheet we use in class. If you will time your child for 1 minute 15 seconds. They should be able to eventually complete all 25 problems in that amount of time. Please do this two times each night. 

Three’s Timing
Have your child also complete the 3 math pages this week, one each night. Only have them do all the odd problems. These were our math lessons from last week so it should all be review. They should have no problem doing this on their own. If they seem to struggle with it please let me know. 

                                                   Prodigy Math
For this week here is also an OPTIONAL online math game that your child can do at their own pace. Once you help your child practice logging on, they should be able to do it themselves. Especially if you write down their login information and keep it by the computer. From what I understand this is like a video game but the problems get harder based on their answers. Have your child practice for 5-10 minutes or so. 

Go to: prodigygame.com 

 Prodigy Passwords

8 thoughts on “Homework for Week September 5th-9th

    • I am asking our tech expert Mrs. Mindrum that question. I forgot when we logged on as a class some students had passcodes to put in. I will let you know as soon as she replies.

    • I am asking our tech expert Mrs. Mindrum that question. I forgot when we logged on as a class some students had passcodes to put in. I will let you know as soon as she replies.

    • Their class codes are linked on that homework post from Friday. It says prodigy passwords. We do not have a class code they just have individual passwords.

  1. Do the kids need to turn in the math timings on Friday or is this just to print and work on at home? We printed one page, put it in a sheet protector and have been using dry erase on it since we are doing it so many times. I didn’t think about this until now. Sorry!

    • For now I just wanted the sheets turned in since you did it dry erase just have him turn in the last one on paper and it will be fine. I am in the process of making a homework tracker for them to record his times on every night and that is what you will turn in next week. Thanks!

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