
  Check your child’s blue folder nightly. Return them with the fluency passages every Friday to get them a new reading passage. 

   Homework due
Spelling and sort test

3- Parent Teacher Conferences– Sept 24 and Oct 29 

I have two openings for the following times on September 24th: 


Fluency Recording: 
record your child’s fluency passage every day. They should be reading the passage every day or AT LEAST 3 times a week. If you still need help with this I will be holding a “training” this coming Tuesday September 22nd at 3:15pm for those of you who still need help with this. You NEED to record the information under your child’s number on the bottom of the spreasheet. 

Help us earn playground equipment by collecting Box Tops and Campbell’s soup labels

6- Our Scholastic Book Order is due September 28th.  Click here for easy online ordering, our class code is P4V4RScholastic Book Club

7- Help support STEM: Family Portrait Fundraiser

Ask your child to sing to you our SCHEMA song! We have been talking a lot this week about connecting with a text. While they read ask them if they made any meaningful connection! HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND! heart

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