Homework for week Jan 3rd-6th

The 2nd week in January is “the big DIBELS test!” So, as preparation, it would be a really great idea to try to fit in as much reading as you can this week! 🙂 

For this week, there are only 2 components required for 

1. Reading (20-30 minutes every day!) Using baggy books or readings in their blue folders. Please fill out this reading-only homework form . 

2. Timed Reading: These daily one-minute timed fluency readings will help your student become a fluent reader. Time your student for one minute TuesdayThursday and record the number of words they were able to read in one minute.  This week: use the “Lesson 27″ page in our phonics-fluency-stories.
Please print out the page, fill out the daily score area. Please write your child’s name at the top. Include this with the reading only homework form above. 

Winter Party / Happy Holidays!!

large_happy-holidays-titleWinter parties are always so chaotic, but I just wanted to wish you all a safe and happy Holiday! I hope you enjoy being together as a family and do something fun. I do find out what if I am having a boy or girl over the break so if the kids ask just tell them that I will let them know the day we come back! 

Thanks parents for all you do. Your kids amaze me, they are hard little workers. We have a great class and I love being their teacher. I am truly blessed to call them my students.

Let them e njoy a break but don’t forget to still practice reading. No homework over the break. 

Enjoy these winter party pictures! Merry Christmas!!

Mrs. Bischoff 

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Still Looking for an Alexander Graham Bell, Martin Luther King, Jr., and a Rosa Parks to Visit Our Classrooms!

americas-heroesThis year we will be learning about many of our great American Heroes.  We would like to invite those interested to come dressed as one of the characters and share their story with our students. Presenters will visit each 1st grade class for 7-10 minutes.  

We hope to help our students create a memorable connection to history and understand the impact these instrumental people had upon our country. 

Please sign-up now for the American Hero you would like to represent for our students by clicking on this link:  American Hero Sign-up Form

Thursday Dec 15th

We have been learning about how different countries and cultures celebrate Christmas. As part of this I have liked to follow up at the end by doing a tradition we do here in the United States of decorating gingerbread houses. 

I have gotten approval for our class to decorate gingerbread houses with frosting and candies on Thursday Dec 15th. This day we will also be watching Polar Express which you have already signed a permission slip for. 

I however forgot to add gingerbread houses to the yearly permission slip. Please sign this permission slip for your child to participate click here.

Please sign up here to help with this activity! screen-shot-2016-12-09-at-3-36-35-pm


We started talking about rocks today and I asked each student to bring a rock tomorrow that they can carry in one hand. They may bring extras. I told them to make sure it isn’t really tiny because we will be doing something fun with them after we are done using them for science. rock

Parent Presenters: American Heroes

presidents_dayThis year we will be learning about many of our great American Heroes.  We would like to invite those interested to come dressed as one of the characters and share their story with our students. Presenters will visit each 1st grade class for 7-10 minutes.  

We hope to help our students create a memorable connection to history and understand the impact these instrumental people had upon our country. 

Please sign-up now for the American Hero you would like to represent for our students by clicking on this link:  American Hero Sign-up Form