Homework for Week March 21-25

1. Reading (20-30 minutes every day!) Don’t forget to do their reading passage. A lot of students have moved up levels! Please now do the reading passage each night! 
2. Word Sorts
3. Spelling
4. Math

Each week, print out the Homework TrackerThis form does not need to be printed or turned in for credit during weeks that we are doing ONLY READING homework. PLEASE right your child’s name at the top of this tracker. 

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Your child is required to read 20 minutes every night. This could include Raz Kids, reading books at home or our fluency passage. Here is the link to your child’s Fluency Recording sheet. Your child has a number click on your child’s number (at the bottom of the spreadsheet) to record their reading. Your child should know their number. 

*Word sort groups and sorts have changed. Some students may have to redo sorts but will change after this week. Based on a test we took determined which sorts they needed to redo or practice again. Come talk to me if you have questions. 
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Preston red sort 4
Corbin red sort 15
Conner, Alana, Marley, Keira: red sort 23
Kiyley, Cambrie, Colton: red sort 25
Sarah, Landon, Boston, Kayden, Levi, Maddux: 
yellow sort 7
John, Abby, Makenna, Jaxton, Aubree, Fallon: 
yellow sort 17

Sadie, Kyler, Kayliegh, Max:  yellow sort 21

Each week, print your student’s assigned Word Sort by clicking on the appropriate link below.  Use the Word Sort for the following activities:
  • Monday: Print, cut, and sort your words with an adult and explain this week’s rule. Sort each word under the correct guide word. Some guide words have a C or V combination on them – C stands for consonant and V stands for vowel. PLEASE write the sort on the back of the homework tracker. 
  • Tuesday: Practice the sort and write it on the homework tracker. 
  • Wednesday: Blind Sort (Lay down the guide words and then read the rest of the words aloud without showing them to your child. Your child must indicate where the word goes without seeing it.
  • Thursday: Speed Sort: Time your students three times doing their word sorts and record it on the homework tracker. 

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  • Study the following “High Frequency Words” using any method you wish in order to prepare for the weekly spelling test on Fridays. There are no review words.
  • There is a list of recommended spelling study activities that you can access BY CLICKING HERE for Spelling Word Activities, but, again, you may use any method you wish.   

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Sentence: My family was with me. 

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  • Complete the My Math homework pages.  Do all the ODD problems. Get on and do Xtra Math practice. Pins are now under homework- usernames and passwords
  • Please also practice math facts regularly by utilizing any of the math activities that you can access BY CLICKING HERE for Math Activities.  These math facts activities do not need to be documented for homework credit – they are simply a resource to help you practice math fluency on a regular basis. 

St. Patrick’s Day!

That tricky leprechaun showed up today and left money in their traps without getting caught! He also brought leprechaun juice which Mrs. Bischoff found out she wasn’t supposed to drink. She didn’t read the warning label and ended up with green feet!! He shrunk the hats we left him and made a mess of our room! It was quite an eventful day!

I also caught a few leprechauns myself! Enjoy your day off tomorrow! 

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Homework Stuff

*Since I didn’t put it on my blog and I didn’t get very many in today. Reading logs for homework will be due Monday the 21st. If your child had it today Thursday the 17th I took it from them and will count it. 

*New Reading passages and math homework will be handed on on Monday the 21st for next weeks homework I am also going to redo sorts if necessasry.  
*I have recently read with and changed most of the students reading levels. I am stretching some of them because of the difficulty of the end of year reading passage. If you child’s didn’t change I felt like it was stretching them okay and want them to do well with comprehension before I move them up.


1. Tomorrow Wednesday March 16th is the day to bring in Leprechaun traps as well as a family photo! 
2. No library on Thursday this week. Students can check out and turn in books before and after school. 
3. No school Friday since it is the end of the quarter. 
4. We are still in need of clorox wipes and glue sticks if you are able to bring them in. Thanks!

Green Shamrock Loony face The Doodle Oven

Announcing our First Grade Patriotic Concert!

The entire first grade will be performing a Patriotic Concert on Thursday, May 19th at 5:30 in the Junior High gym. Please have your child to the Junior High gym by 5:15 that evening, dressed in a RED SHIRT and uniform pants.  Any patriotic accessories, such as hairbows, pins, belts, ties, etc., are encouraged!! (Please avoid any tall accessories, such as tall hats, that could potentially block the view of other children standing behind your child.)  

We would like to honor any veterans in the audience, so we encourage you to invite any friends or family members who have served in the military to join us!  The performance will not last more than an hour.  

The first grade will be performing this same concert the next morning, May 20th, for students and faculty, so please be sure your child wears a RED SHIRT and patriotic accessories the next morning, too.