POQA Reminders

First, it is time to submit nominations for the 2016-2017 POQA Board.  The following positions are open, President Elect, Secretary and Treasurer.  This is a great way to continue to make Quest the BEST!!!  If you would like to submit a nomination for yourself or nominate someone else, fill out the form located in the Q1 and Q2 offices and return it to Angelee in the Q1 office by Friday, April 29th.

Second, our school Carnival is going to be 
May 20th 5-8PM at the school.  Pre-sale tickets are on sale now at a discounted price. Please go to https://squareup.com/store/poqa to purchase pre-sell tickets.

Please don’t forget tonight is Spirit Night at Chick-fil-a in Riverdale from 5-7PM.  Mention Quest Academy and they will donate 25% back to the school.  Please share this with family and friends.

POQA Board

Thank you for helping make Quest the BEST!

Field Trip Reminders

1. PACK YOUR CHILD A SACK LUNCH THAT IS COMPLETELY DISPOSABLE. School lunch will not be provided. If they do not have a brown sack or grocery sack to put it in I do have some at the school I can lend out if needed. No microwaves, refrigerators, or coolers will be available. 

2. I completely forgot to remind the kids for tomorrow to wear red shirts if possible. It helps us to recognize Quest Academy kids from others that will be there. If they wore their only red shirt today then it is fine to have them wear a different color but please try to have them wear red. 

red shirt3. Please have your child wear good walking shoes and be prepared for weather conditions. We will be in the museum but we will be able to explore a fire truck outside after the museum portion of our day is done. 

4. Parents who are coming meet at the school and we will leave here at 9am. Or if you can’t meet us here go right to the museum and be there by 9:15ish. 

Chaperones: please bring a backpack or bag to hold the lunches of the students in your group. Thank you!


1. Field Trip this Tuesday April 26th from 9am-1:45pm. We will then have an aircraft pilot come and speak to us in the Q1 gym for the last hour of the day it is going to be awesome! 

2. Mark your calendars for our Patriotic Performance. 

The entire first grade will be performing a Patriotic Concert on Thursday, May 19th at 5:30 in the Junior High gym. Please have your child to the Junior High gym by 5:15 that evening, dressed in a RED SHIRT and uniform pants.  Any patriotic accessories, such as hairbows, pins, belts, ties, etc., are encouraged!! (Please avoid any tall accessories, such as tall hats, that could potentially block the view of other children standing behind your child.)  

We would like to honor any veterans in the audience, so we encourage you to invite any friends or family members who have served in the military to join us!  The performance will not last more than an hour.  

The first grade will be performing this same concert the next morning, May 20th, for students and faculty, so please be sure your child wears a RED SHIRT and patriotic accessories the next morning, too.

3. Scholastic Book Orders are due Tuesday April 26th. 

4. Here is the schedule for April Parent-Teacher Conferences.  Please e-mail me if you would like me to schedule you for one of the available time slots:

Thursday, April 28thParent Teacher Conference
3:45-4:00: Maddux

5. This week is the last week for the Tower of Books Challenge in the library!

6. The last week of library classes will be the week of May 9th.  All books are to be returned that week & there will be no more checkouts. 

7. If your child would like to practice at home here are some links to some songs we are learning with actions. 

Links to Patriotic Songs with Actions

Click on the link below for the Military Anthems with actions video:
MIlitary Anthems with Actions 

Click on the link below for the song “God Bless the USA” with actions:
God Bless the USA

Grow Lab Questions

Ask your child these questions to see if they can explain to you what we have been learning with our Brassica Rapa plants. We talked about the parts of a flower today and they love it! Ask your child about it!

1. What does your plant look like right now? 
2. How does light help plants grow? 
3. What part of the flower has bright colors?
4. Where is pollen made? 
5. What is a pistil? 
6. What things pollinate plants?

Monday is Picture Day!

Spring-School-Picture-DayMonday is Picture Day!  Which means that it is a dress down day for your student to have their pictures taken.  Make sure your child’s outfit still meets dress down day guidelines.  
Below is the message from Quest Administration: 

Quest Families,
Spring pictures will be taken on Monday, April 11th. Thus, uniforms are not required on this day. Please note that students should still follow dress down day guidelines by wearing appropriate attire. All students, unless you indicated otherwise, will have their picture taken. A proof will be sent home later with an order form if you choose to order. Thanks.
Quest Administration 


1. Tomorrow Wednesday March 16th is the day to bring in Leprechaun traps as well as a family photo! 
2. No library on Thursday this week. Students can check out and turn in books before and after school. 
3. No school Friday since it is the end of the quarter. 
4. We are still in need of clorox wipes and glue sticks if you are able to bring them in. Thanks!

Green Shamrock Loony face The Doodle Oven

Announcing our First Grade Patriotic Concert!

The entire first grade will be performing a Patriotic Concert on Thursday, May 19th at 5:30 in the Junior High gym. Please have your child to the Junior High gym by 5:15 that evening, dressed in a RED SHIRT and uniform pants.  Any patriotic accessories, such as hairbows, pins, belts, ties, etc., are encouraged!! (Please avoid any tall accessories, such as tall hats, that could potentially block the view of other children standing behind your child.)  

We would like to honor any veterans in the audience, so we encourage you to invite any friends or family members who have served in the military to join us!  The performance will not last more than an hour.  

The first grade will be performing this same concert the next morning, May 20th, for students and faculty, so please be sure your child wears a RED SHIRT and patriotic accessories the next morning, too.


*We are sadly in last place for the Tower of Books Challenge. We have A LOT of reading to do to beat our other First Grade classes. Please let me know if you need more information or are in need of a new checklist. The winners get great prizes at the end of April! 
1st Grade

Bischoff – 3  🙁
Dunmeyer – 40
Hills/Teichert – 12
Nelson – 10
Vella – 25

*The end of the quarter is March 18th. Make sure your child is turning in all of their homework or assignments before then. Thanks!