Great First Day!!

Couples of quick things. 

1. At the end of the day I will take the students out of the East doors (by kindergarten). From there we will walk out front and hopefully be close to the first tree you see looking at the school from East to West. If you can please make a meeting spot with your child where they can go to meet you. The first few days I will be able to stay out front after that I will walk them out and then they are on their own. 

2. Ask your child about the following things we learned/did today: 

  • Classroom rules song
  • Name song (for writing their name on their paper)
  • Our Silent Signals (how to say I need to use the restroom, pencil, tissue etc.
3. We will not be starting homework for a couple of weeks. I will send home homework folders tomorrow so you can see the schedule. 

We had an AWESOME first day of school. Your kids are amazing and I had so much fun. I know we will have a great year! Enjoy these first day of school pictures!

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We enjoyed Dr. Seuss week this week! We did lots of fun crafts and activities which you will see when your child’s portfolio goes home. We ended the week off reading Bartholomew and the Oobleck and made some ourselves! Ask your child about it!
Happy weekend!
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Party Fun!!

20151030_124738Here are a few pictures from the party Friday. They had so much fun! They are quite creative with their Willy Wonka recipes. I will be putting a class book together with their pictures. 

BIG thank you to all who came and helped out!! I could not have survived without all your help!! 

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