St. Patrick’s Day!

That tricky leprechaun showed up today and left money in their traps without getting caught! He also brought leprechaun juice which Mrs. Bischoff found out she wasn’t supposed to drink. She didn’t read the warning label and ended up with green feet!! He shrunk the hats we left him and made a mess of our room! It was quite an eventful day!

I also caught a few leprechauns myself! Enjoy your day off tomorrow! 

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Upcoming Projects!

BOTH PROJECTS DUE: Wednesday March 16th

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We are preparing for a possible visit from leprechauns!  Please help your child with the project as described on this worksheet below. This is not required but will only take place at home so if your child does not make one at home time will not be given during class to make one. 
Please have your traps ready and back to school by Wednesday March 16th. Leprechaun Trap

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In our next science unit, we will be exploring the similarities and differences in characteristics when comparing offspring to parents and siblings to siblings.  This is especially fun for the students if they can bring in pictures of themselves and their families.  If you are able to send in a family photo, or a one page collage of the members of your family in a 
protective plastic sleeve by Wednesday, March 16 , I will hang them up for the students to observe, but not touch.  Bonus points if you have a picture of yourself around your child’s age! :) 

If your children are adopted or in a blended family, your pictures are most welcome!  Even biological families often don’t look like each other and it gives us lots of examples to talk about.

Parent Teacher Conferences

March parent teacher conferences are on Thursday March 24thPlease sign up! If you haven’t met with me a second time this year it would be great to sit down and show you where your child is at and what we can do to finish the year strong. Send me an email with a time that would work for you. 


3:45-4:00 Keira 


1. Tomorrow Friday February 26th is $1.00 dress down day as well as early out! 

2.Scholastic Book Order due February 29th.  Your Scholastic orders help our classroom library earn FREE books.  Orders can be sent to school or go online and use our class code. P4V4R. 

3. Library day is on Thursdays so don’t forget to have your child bring their books. 

4. Please have your child practice their addition and subtraction math facts as much as they can. Timing them for 2 minutes will help them for their weekly timings as well as to help them reach their goal of 27 addition and 21 subtraction. 

5. Don’t forget to READ, READ, READ!

Dr. Seuss Week Activities: Feb. 29th-March 5th

Here are the Dr. Suess Week Events!Cat

Monday, February 29th :Cat in the Hat

  • Wear a hat to school

Tuesday, March 1st: Fox in Sox

  • Wear wild socks to school

Wednesday, March 2nd:Wacky Wednesday

  • Wear wacky hair to school

Thursday, March 4th: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

  • Wear red and blue uniforms

Friday, March 5th: Oh the Places You’ll Go

  • Wear Spirit Shirts