Check for Lice!

Students in some classrooms at Quest have been hit with lice, and we do NOT want this to spread! Please, please check your child’s head for lice and for nits (lice eggs). As of yet, no children in our class have been identified as having lice, but it may have already spread from other classes. 

If you do find lice, please know that the process of ridding your hair, clothing, and other articles (bedding, backpacks, etc.) of lice takes several days, as lice eggs usually hatch only after 7-10 days, but may take as long as 14 days! Lice combs do not remove nits, and are only able to separate hair and sometimes remove larger lice. If your child has lice, we do not want to see you back at school any time soon! Please do not bring your child to school again until all lice and eggs are completely removed and/or dead. 

Parent Teacher Conference Schedule

I have MANY open slots. Email me if you want to schedule a time. This will be the last day to sign up. Thanks! I would like to meet with everyone at the beginning of the year so that we can set goals for the year. I have a few I haven’t met with yet. 

Mrs. Bischoff 

3:30 Samanatha TIppets
3:50 Kirtlyn Presnell 
4:40 Ella Hopkins
4:50 Titan Parry
5:00 Kyan Bambrough
5:10 Koli Hutchens
5:20 Norah Searle
5:30 Kyler Palmer

Moon Journals

We will be talking about the moon and as part of it students are supposed to track it each day. Please for the next 3 weeks track the moon each night and have your child draw a picture of what they see. 


Please click on this link and print the Moon Journal: CLICK HERE for the Moon Journal.  The Moon Journal is not due until Friday, November 18th. Thank you!

If the moon cannot be seen on any given night, your child can do one of two things: either draw clouds, or visit the following website which displays the phase of the moon according to your location/time zone:

Positive Me Week

Self-EsteemThis week is Positive Me week. This event is designed to help students identify and work on their self-esteem and how to care for themselves.  Here is the list of dress up fun for each day:

Monday-”Scare Away Negativity”
Wear your favorite accessory such as a bracelet, necklace, pin, hair bow, belt, or tie. 
Please no hats.

Tuesday- “Scare Away Drugs”
Wear Red (Uniform shirt)

Wednesday- “Scare Away Bad Health”
Wear Crazy socks

Thursday- “Scare Away Bullies”
Show your team spirit by wearing a team jersey, t-shirt, or school spirit shirt (uniform pants required)

Friday- “Scare up some fun”
Wear a costume or wear orange

Homework for Week October 24th-28th

YOU ARE WELCOME TO HAVE YOUR CHILD READ PASSAGES ONLINE. YOU CAN ALSO USE SHEET PROTECTORS AND DRY ERASE MATH TIMINGS TO SAVE ON PAPER. The homework tracker is for tracking minutes, number of math facts completed, and the phonics fluency story timing. 

1. Reading (20-30 minutes every day!)
2. Word Sorts
3. Spelling
4. Math

Each week, print out the homework-tracker which is found here.This form does NOT need to be printed or turned in for credit during weeks that we are doing ONLY READING homework. PLEASE right your child’s name at the top of this tracker. 

Screen shot 2014-08-10 at 12.03.27 AM

Your child is required to read 20 minutes every night. This could include Raz Kids, reading books at home or our fluency passage. Here is the link to your child’s phonics-fluency-stories sheet. Please print Lesson 15 and have your child read it each night. Time them for 1 minute and have them read as many words as they can. If they get to the bottom they will go back to the top and continue reading until the 1 minute is up. Soon I will have some students doing harder passages based on where they get with reading buddies coming up. This is just to start getting into a routine. 

Your child should now have a fluency passage in their blue folder. If not I sent one home with them this week without the blue folder. PLEASE make sure your child is bringing their blue folder everyday to school. I will switch out passages weekly if they return them. These passages are another resource for reading but I am asking that you have them read it at least 3 times a week. 

They need to be timed for 1 minute and then using their retell ropes (in back of sheet protector) to tell you as much as they can about the story. I do not have extra retell ropes so please have your child keep track of it. After the week I will switch out their passages and get a new one. We practiced this three times today so they should know how to do it. You do not need to record the timing anywhere.

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Here is the word sort to print : 1-15-word-sort

Each week, print your student’s assigned Word Sort by clicking on the appropriate link above.  Use the Word Sort for the following activities:

  • Monday: Print, cut, and sort your words with an adult and explain this week’s rule. Sort each word under the correct guide word. 
  • Tuesday: Practice the sort and write it on the back of the homework tracker. 
  • Wednesday: Blind Sort (Lay down the guide words and then read the rest of the words aloud without showing them to your child. Your child must indicate where the word goes without seeing it.
  • Thursday: Speed Sort: Time your students three times doing their word sorts and record it on the homework tracker. 

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  • Study the following “High Frequency Words” using any method you wish in order to prepare for the weekly spelling test on Fridays. 
  • There is a list of recommended spelling study activities that you can access BY CLICKING HERE for Spelling Word Activities, but, again, you may use any method you wish.   
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*These words will repeat. 


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  • Complete the 4 My Math homework pages all the ODDS.
  • Then time your child for 1 minute and 15 seconds on the math timing addition-and-subtraction-fluency-timings and record how many they complete. You may use a sheet protector to have them use the same one each day and wipe off.  You record how many they did on the homework tracker. 
Everyone is on 6’s except the following: 
Mixed Addition A: Daxton, Connor, Garrett 
Subtraction 1-4: Danika, Dayzi, Isla, Mia, Matthew
Subtraction 4-5: Peyton, Norah, Camden
Subtraction 6’s: Maxwell, Koli, Titan, Kasen, 
Subtraction 7’s: Ella, 
Subtraction 8’s: Samantha 
Subtraction 9’s: Preston 
Subtraction 10’s: Kyan 



We will be doing our STEM project next Thursday October 27th. I was wondering if anyone is available in the morning or afternoon to help us complete this project. They will be pushing a pumpkin down a ramp they design. I just need some man power to make sure it goes smoothly with less chaos. Let me know and I will decide based on people who can volunteer whether we will do it in the morning or afternoon. 

Email me if you are available.

Thanks! Enjoy your break! 

Mrs. Bischoff

Party Funds


I went to the office today to look at our budget for party funds. I understand asking $12 may be a lot at the beginning of the year. If that is not possible at the moment will you please pay $4 to the office either online or send it with your child. This will REALLY affect what activities we can do for the party. I will remind you before parties if paying $4 each time is easier for you. 

BIG THANKS to those who have paid. It looks like about half the class has. donations-gratefully-accepted


1. Parent teacher conferences will be October 27th if you have already met with me once this year I am taking your name off of Octobers list. If for whatever reason you feel you want to meet again feel free to email me and we will meet another day. Parents who have not met with me yet this year will you please email me a time that works for you? Thanks! I would like to meet with everyone once at the beginning of the year. 

3:30 Samantha
5:00 Kyan 
5:10 Koli
5:30 Kyler 

2. Book orders due October 28th. Online code to order is P4V4R. 

3. Quest Halloween Parade October 28th as well as the class party from 11:30-1:00pm 

Homework for Week October 17-19th

Short Week! 

It is the end of 1st quarter so please turn in anything your child has at home that needs to be turned in this week. Grades will be posted and locked by Friday and anything not turned in on Wednesday won’t make it onto grades. 

Wednesday is a short day, NO School Thursday and Friday. 

Here is the reading tracker. Only reading homework this week!
Due: Wednesday the 19th 


Math Timings

WOW! These kids are just flying through these math timings I can’t even keep up. I am going to have them be responsible for telling you at home if they move up during the week from when I post homework on Fridays. If you ever question if your child really did pass them off feel free to shoot me an email and ask. Otherwise your child will know what timing they are on. Thanks!