Monthly Archives: January 2021

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day Form: Click Here. Our class will be passing out Valentine’s cards Friday, February 12th. Students may bring a Valentine’s box to collect their special notes. If they don’t bring one, I will provide a bag for them to … Continue reading

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Week of 01/25-01/29!!

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Online Book Fair Going On Now!

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1/19-1/22 What I Am Learning This Week…

In Science, I Am Learning About Wave Patterns!! REMEMBER TO SIGN UP FOR STUDENT-LED CONFERENCES!!!

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Sign-ups for Student-Led Conferences and More!!

Student-Led Conferences will be coming up on Tuesday, February 2nd, and Wednesday, February 3rd. I am looking forward to discussing your child’s success! Once again, conferences will be virtual on Zoom. Please click on the link to sign up for … Continue reading

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School breakfasts AND lunches are still FREE (for students) and will remain free until the end of the school year! If you are an e-learner, you can get free meals too! If you would like to participate in free breakfasts and … Continue reading

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