School is just around the corner and I am trying to catch you before you buy your student a new backpack. Don’t waste your money on a backpack because you don’t need them in my class. Students rarely take anything home because, for the most part, our class is digital. Students may bring a small lunch bag. This doesn’t come in a backpack, only the lunch bag. I understand that some students have phones they use after school or medical supplies, and those need to be brought in a small bag/backpacks. We don’t have space for storing big backpacks.
All information you need about the class is posted on our classroom BLOG. Our classroom supplies fee is $25 and can be paid at the office on Tuesdays, online, or on Back to School night.
I am excited to get to know you and your kiddo. We are going to have so much fun! Email me any questions you have. Please have your student practice math facts, play Reflex, and read for 20 minutes every day before school starts.
Students’ Reflex account for fourth grade is now active in Reflex. Have them log into Reflex, and they will see Username Mrsgarrett4, it may have 2021-22 added to it. Their password is the same as last year. It is their initials with two or three digits followed by rams. If your kiddo can’t remember their password please email me and I will send it over. It will help us get a head start on our learning.
To use Prodigy, Class code: 5FB1B0B
Have your students sign in to their Prodigy account, select update on the start screen, and enter your class code.