3rd Day in 3rd Grade!!

Our first few days of third grade have been great!! We have been busy getting to know each other, learn our classroom procedures, and our daily routines.  It has been a joy to get to know each and every student, and I am looking forward to watching them learn and grow this year. Tomorrow is Spirit Friday! Students may wear Quest spirit t-shirts with uniform bottoms. 
Here are some other upcoming events next week. 

Monday  8/27: First full day of school, STEM lab starts
Tuesday 8/28: Library (we will not be checking out books yet)
Wednesday 8/29: School Pictures
Friday 8/31: Early release
                   Spirit Friday
                    Quest Spirit Night @ Clearfield Aquatic Center 7:30-9:30pm

*Please have your child read every night! We will start testing fluency in the next week or two. 

Thank You!!!