Tuesday 10/30 – Library Day *Books Due
Wednesday 10/31 – Halloween Parade 9:00 (parents are welcome)
Party 10:00-11:30. Please make sure you have signed the food permission slip (last weeks post). **Early release @ 1:30**
Thursday 11/01 – Reading Logs due for full credit!!
Classroom Information:
Thank you for coming to Parent-Teacher conferences. I loved having the opportunity to share your child’s accomplishments with you.
**On Halloween Day, wear your costume to school, but please remember NO heavy face make-up, masks, or weapons…I need to be able to recognize you.
Homework: Reading Logs due 11/01 for FULL credit!!
It’s easy! 20 minutes of reading every night and Reflex. Please make sure that your child gets a green light in Reflex AT LEAST 3 times during the week. If doing Reflex at home is not possible at times, please send me an email or Bloomz message so that I can arrange for your child to have an opportunity to get it completed at school.
Food Drive:
It’s still going on! Please send in any non-perishable foods that can support one of our local food pantries.