Sept. 9-13

This Weeks Happenings
Mon. 9/9: Library 2:30
Tues. 9/10: STEM
Wed. 9/11: Code Lab 
Fri. 9/13:  Math & Reading Test. Fundraiser orders are due. Early release @ 1:00


  • If you have not made a student supply donation of $20.00, you may do so at the front office or call the school @801-731-9859. THANK YOU!!
  • Please signup for Bloomz if you haven’t yet.  Here is the link Bloom
  • Please sign the Class Disclosure under the Parent tab on this blog.

This year our fundraiser is through a partnership with Denik and Schools Building Schools. We are selling a variety of notebooks, journals, sketchbooks and prints with artwork from artists around the world. If each student sold $100 worth of items, we would reach our goal as a school, as well as bring in enough money to build an entire school in another country!  Thanks for your support and help. Go, Quest Rams!!! 

  • Fundraising forms are due Friday, September 13th
  • Cash and checks are accepted. Make Checks payable to Quest Academy
Math in Class 
We will be learning how to solve word problems by using addition and subtraction. Please watch for a family letter to come home so you can discuss what we are learning with your child. There may be a few worksheets that I send home, but I will let you know on BLOOMZ. These worksheets are typically due the next school day.  

Reading Homework
Please read 20 minutes every night and color in an apple on the reading log.  Please let me know if you have any questions.