September 3-6


Important Dates:
Monday Sept. 2 – Labor Day, NO SCHOOL
Wednesday Sept. 4 –  STEM

Thursday Sept. 5 – Coding Class 
Friday Sept. 6 – Spirit Day; Early Release, 1:00 dismissal
                             Accadiance (DIBELS) benchmarking will begin for our class. Please                                 send your child to school rested!
Friday Sept. 13- Fundraising forms and money due!

  • If you have not paid for your student’s supply donation, you may do so at the front office or you may call the school 801-731-9859
  • Please subscribe to this blog. It is my primary form of communication to you!
This year our fundraiser is through a partnership with Denik and Schools Building Schools. We are selling a variety of notebooks, journals, sketchbooks and prints with artwork from artists around the world. Please support Quest by helping your child sell some items in the catalog. 
    • A few important details about this fundraiser:
      • Fundraising forms are due Friday, September 13th
      • Cash and checks are accepted. Make Checks payable to Quest Academy
      • A link is being established for online orders. I will send this out as soon as it is available.
      ***If you have not subscribed to BLOOMZ, please do so as soon as possible! Our class code is QMZ7G2***


      3rd grade math is serious business! I believe the class was a little surprised about the amount of math that was covered last week when we learned to round to the nearest ten and hundred. But, they worked hard and learned so much. Rounding is a tough skill that we will continue to spiral around we progress through the year. This week, we are learning about 3-digit addition. We will address this with base-ten models, a number of various strategies, and then connect the strategies to the mathematical algorithm. The Family Letter is below for information and a fun at-home activity.
      Screen Shot 2019-08-30 at 10.42.55 PMScreen Shot 2019-08-30 at 10.43.24 PM

      This week we start our Wonders reading program. Our stories are “The Dream Catcher” and “Yoon and the Jade Bracelet”. We are continuing our focus on using Visualization as a comprehension strategy. By using this strategy, we should be able to create our own image of what is happening in a story. We will also be learning about the characters, setting and plot within a story. 

      /e/  : egg, elephant 
      ou   : out, proud

       celebrate  – courage    –  disappointment    – precious   

       pride   –    remind –  symbol –  tradition

      In class, we learn about these vocabulary words in connection to ourselves. If you notice your child using any of these words in context, this would be a great opportunity to celebrate their efforts!


      • Read at least 20 minutes per day. Making sure that your child does his/her reading daily is the single most helpful thing you can do to support educational success.
      • Students will be learning to log on to Reflex this week during class, so weekly Reflex homework will begin next week.

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