Apple Witch Time!
3rd grade has a tradition of carving and dressing apple witches each fall. It is a super fun project that we will connect with a writing activity. Apple witches will be carved this month and set out dry until we dress them in October, just in time for Halloween. We will be carving our apple witches on Friday, September, 20th. I need every student to bring one medium sized apple (we will not be eating them) by Thursday September 19th. The apple needs to be medium size! If it is too big it will rot; too small and the face won’t be visible.
In order to do this, I need several parent volunteers who would be willing to come into our class on Friday, September 20th at 9:00 and help with this project for an hour or so. We will need at least 8 parent volunteers, but the more the merrier! We also need at least 10 1/8 teaspoons (the metal ones work best), and 10+ apple peelers (again, metal ones are best). If anyone has a cranking apple peeler they are willing to bring, they are excellent for this project! If you have any of these items but cannot attend, please label them and send them with your child, and I will make sure that they get back to you.
I have created a sign-up on BLOOMZ that will be posted on WEDNESDAY for you to sign up to volunteer to help and bring supplies.
Later, I will also need a few parent volunteers to sew extra witch costumes (very easy sewing) and a few to construct the hair. These can both be done at home. If you would like to volunteer, you may let me know on BLOOMZ or email.