Toys, pokemon cards, and fidget spinners

I am having a problem with kids bringing toys, pokemon cards and fidget spinners to school. Fidget spinners are not aloud here at quest academy. My personal policy is no toys or cards aloud at school, unless given special permission by me for star student, or show and tell. Otherwise, all toys are not aloud here. If I see them, I take them and allow them to have them back at the end of the day. If I take something for a second time, keep until a parent can come pick it up. 

I do this because toys are a distraction for their learning. Also, these things get lost and stolen all the time here at school. I also see problems with kids saying a student can have a pokemon card then changing their mind later and wanting it back. These are all problems we can avoid by just keeping them at home. 

I would appreciate your support and help in keeping the toys, pokemon cards, and fidget spinners at home. 
Thank you! 

Mrs. Woodrow

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