21-22 School Year Fundraiser!

Today we had the kickoff of this year’s school fundraiser, it will go until the September. For the fundraiser we are selling cookie dough and beef jerky. Your child was sent home with a fundraiser pack today. There are lots of different prizes that the kids can earn depending on how much they sell.

All the information is in the pack that was sent home but our amazing administration made videos explaining how to use the scoreboard app to log orders and about the incentives. Click here to watch the on how to use the app.

The video that has all the information about prize incentives can be found on Quest Academy’s Facebook page. This year the grand prize, for the student who sells the most, will be an electric scooter! There are lots of other fun prizes so check it out!

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Food Truck Night!

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Our Week

This week went by so fast but not having school on Monday will do that!

Tuesday, we went to library for the second time but for the first time inside the library! With our librarian, Mrs. Anderson, we are working on earning poms by having good behavior. With the poms we are having a competition between all the kindergarten classes to see who can earn the most. This week our morning class won! Yay!

Wednesday, we got on our iPads and logged into i-Ready reading for the first time. We are loving i-Ready! Whenever we get 100% on an i-Ready lesson we get a star in our classroom folders, when we get to 30 stars we get to pick a prize from the treasure chest!

Thursday, we practiced getting on i-Ready some more and lots of friends got stars! We read a book called Dude, it was a funny book that only has the word “dude” in it. There were lots and lots of giggles.

Friday, we had another computer science lesson with Mrs. Jaques. We started learning about coding. We know that coding is the language we use to talk to computers. Mrs. Jaques brought us a fun game to play to practice. We also had our first science lesson and talked about how when we are curious we can discover new and important things.

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What we are learning:

We are excited to begin Unit 1 in Language Arts. Here are the high frequency words, oral vocabulary words, and letters we will be mastering in the next 3 weeks. We will continue working on syllables, identifying the beginning and ending sounds of words, and writing our name.

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A peek into our first full week

I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend and is ready to jump back into it tomorrow!

The past week we have been getting our procedures down and learning lots of new things.

We are learning how to use the supplies in our classroom as tools for learning. For example: pencils, scissors, glue, crayons, etc. And we know a fun trick to help us hold our pencil correctly.

We practiced writing our names and “I can” sentences.

We had picture day and our first library day on Tuesday. We participated in our first computer science class on Friday.

We read “The Book With No Pictures” which turned out to be a lot more fun than it sounded at first. It has quickly become a class favorite.

We had surprise fire drills in both the morning and afternoon classes that made us jump a little bit.

We had our first Fun Friday where there were lots of fun centers to choose from. We got to let our creative juices flow as we played with all of the fun things.

This week I will be sharing files with class pictures via email. Each student has their own folder which I will send along with class and group picture file. There are not many pictures yet but we will be adding pictures throughout the school year so I encourage you to bookmark the file.

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School pictures on Tuesday!

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First Week of School

Wednesday will follow the regular daily schedule.

Thursday will be a short day.

Friday there will be NO school. Enjoy the long weekend!

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Back to School

I am so excited for school to start next week! I can’t believe it is already here. This week we have been doing KEEP testing and it has been amazing to meet all the kiddos one on one. I can already tell that this year is going to be the best!

Just a few reminders:

Please watch both the drop off and pick up procedure videos (AM pick up will be picked up by the front doors and PM will be dropped off by at the gate between Q1 and Q2). Videos

Please review the information on free breakfast and lunch. Free Meals

Make sure that you have uniforms for your student that are dress code compliant. Dress Code

Every student needs a pair of durable headphones (please no ear buds) that are labeled with the student’s name.

Please let me know of any questions you may have and enjoy the last few days before school starts!

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Hello! I hope you are enjoying your summer so far. I am very excited to have your child in class this coming school year! We are going to have so much fun!

In preparation for the upcoming school year, please subscribe to our blog by clicking on the “Apple” (found on the right sidebar). To complete the subscription process please click on the link in the email that you will receive.  

In addition, under the “Parent Information” heading you will find our Disclosure and  Supply List please review both.

The first week of school (Aug 18-24) we will NOT be having regularly scheduled Kindergarten classes. Instead, we will be giving each individual student an extensive test to help us better assess where your child is academically. We use this information to customize each child’s education and to challenge them at their current level in reading and math. Click on the following link to sign-up for a testing appointment. Kindergarten Testing Appointment.

The first day of Kindergarten classes will be Wednesday, August 25 and will be regular school hours. The following day, Thursday, August 26 will be early out schedule. And then no school on Friday, August 27. Click here for the full Quest 2021-2022 school schedule.

The following is a link I ask each parent/guardian to take a few minutes and fill out. It is a short survey to help me get to know your child better. Doing so will help me as the teacher better understand your child’s individual needs right from the start of the school year. Parent Survey

We look forward to seeing each of you during our Back to School Night on Monday, August 16th.  Have a wonderful summer break!

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