Homework this week is due on Friday, April 10:
1- Math Homework:
Telling Time 1
Please have your students practice telling time this week on digital and analog clocks throughout the week. If they record 10 different times on the back of the Telling Time Assignment they will earn 15 points.
2- Reading 20 minutes per day, record on reading log. If possible, please have your student read one day on RazKids and take the comprehension quiz after the book.
3- Timed Fluency Practice. This daily one-minute timed fluency reading will help your student become a fluent reader. It will also count for reading minutes. Click here: Timed Fluency Practice
4- Word Sort & High Frequency Word homework. Weekly Homework Form
High Frequency Words:
I love my family.
SPELLING SENTENCE 9 POINTS POSSIBLE ON TEST (one point for each correctly spelled word, 2 points for correct uppercase and lowercase letters, 2 points for finger spaces between words, and 1 point for the correct punctuation mark at the end of the sentence.)
RED GROUP: Cooper, Owen, Jessica, Owen, Tony, Tyler
PINK GROUP: Nickzia, Sam, Sydney, Brycen
YELLOW GROUP: Kali, Lily, Konlan, Oakley, Humberto, Mylee, BrynDee
GREEN GROUP: Aaron, Kaleb, Trevyn, Britton, Brielle, Walker, Lavea
BLUE GROUP: Samantha, Summer
PURPLE GROUP: Jack, Braxtyn
Our scenery “Paint Day” is scheduled for the afternoon of Friday, April 10. I am requesting parent volunteers for this fun, busy day. Please let me know if you are available to spend the afternoon with us. anelson@questac.org .
I will be posting the kids characters they picked and costume ideas this week.
Practice singing along with our opera using your CD’s and the lyrics here:
The Incredible Cave Escape Lyrics
Thanks again for the printable lyrics!!!
Summer is so happy she can’t stop singing!!! 🙂