Happy Birthday, Aria!

I am very excited to welcome my new students into my 2nd grade class! We’re going to have a great time together and learn a lot of fun things!
I will see you at Back to School Night on August 15th, and then on the First Day of School, August 17th! The first three days are are early out days with dismissal at 1:20pm.
In preparation for the upcoming school year, please subscribe to my blog by clicking on the box under “enter your email address” (found on the right sidebar), enter your email address and click “subscribe”. You will be sent a confirmation email. You need to click the link on the confirmation email to complete your subscription. Once this is complete, you will receive an email each time I update the blog.
In addition, under the “Parent Information” heading you will find our Class Disclosure, as well as e-signing the Yearly Permission Slip.
All cash donations can be paid to the Q1 Office on or before Back to School Night on Monday, or you can pay online here: ONLINE PAYMENTS marking “other” and typing what the donation is for such as: Nelson Supplies, or Nelson Parties, or Nelson Field Trips. We are asking for the following donations: Supplies $30, Parties $8, and Field Trips $10.
I use the following link for instructions to connect to our class using the Bloomz App. I will use this throughout the year to communicate with parents along with the blog. I use Bloomz a lot so please sign up for this amazing app! – Bloomz App
The following link is a short survey to help me get to know your child better. Please take a few moments to fill it out. – Parent Survey
Additionally, the follow link is for ways you can meet your required volunteer hours throughout the school year. Please fill out this link as well: VolunteerForm
Back to School Night will be Monday, August 15th. Our first week of school will be August 17th-19th. These will be short days. Short days will be dismissed at 1:20pm.
Please continue to read to your child and have them read to you during the summer! The more he/she reads, the better prepared they will be for the upcoming school year
I have attached the link for the Parking Lot Procedures video.
Throughout the year if we need to contact you directly we will use the contact information you provided in Aspire. Please make sure it remains up-to-date. Thank you! Click here to check your contact information: Aspire Gradebook
My heart is so full of gratitude for you and your children! I wanted to thank you all for being so absolutely amazing! Thank you for sharing your children each and every day with me. Thank you for being partnered with me in educating your phenomenal kids. I absolutely love having the opportunity facilitating in your children’s learning this year. Thank you for spoiling me with all of your thoughtful gifts and the gift of teaching your children!
Here is the link for our Year End Video: Nelson’s 2nd Grade Memories
There are many fun and free ways to encourage summer reading. Here are just a few:
One way that you can help your child over the summer is to READ!!! It is so important to have your child read every day for 20 minutes.