Author Archives: amy.nelson
Flu Clinic
Weekly Topics
Weekly Topics
We are working on the following things this week for your review. You may work on these at home as well should you choose to. Also, as a reminder the students should have 45 minutes each week in both iReady Math and iReady Reading.
A little note
I am so happy your child is in my class! We had a great past two weeks together, and I’m excited to get to know them even better. I have thoroughly enjoyed each and every one of them in this short amount of time.
I appreciate how wonderful you have all been while we are navigating these unchartered and unprecedented waters together. As we continue finishing up all of our testing and procedures we will start being able to get more firm in our routines and time frames for each subject block. Again, just wanted to thank you for all being so amazing! I’m so blessed to have your kids in my class and you as supportive parents. I can’t say it enough…THANK YOU!!!
Picture Day- September 1st
Just a reminder:
Picture Day is tomorrow! Please click on the link below for information and to purchase your package. Please write down the confirmation and package# and send with your student tomorrow morning.
Friday, October 9: Picture Day for e-learners 1:30-3:00pm
School Pictures
Picture Day is Coming Soon! |
Quest Academy (Elementary) |
Tues, September 1st, 2020 |
Prepay Code: questes2020 |
To preview package options and prepay online, CLICK HERE |
Starting Tomorrow
Though parents have been allowed to drop their young students off these past few days, we now ask that students enter the building without adult assistance. Parents of kindergarten students are still welcome to enter the building so their child can be assessed by their teacher. Elementary students should enter the building through the front doors and then go out back through the recess doors. They could also go through the gate between the two buildings to access the back of the school. When the bell rings, they’ll line up as they’ve been taught. Thanks for your understanding in this matter as we try to mitigate student and staff exposure.
Dr. Dave
Happy Birthday, Liam!
Welcome New 1st Grade Students!
I am very excited to welcome my new students into my first grade class!
In preparation for the upcoming school year, please subscribe to my blog by clicking on the box under “enter your email address” (found on the right sidebar), enter your email address and click “subscribe”. You will be sent a confirmation email. You need to click the link on the confirmation email to complete your subscription. Once this is complete, you will receive an email each time I update the blog.In addition, under the “Parent Information” heading you will find our Class Disclosure and Supply List , as well as e-signing the Yearly Permission Slip. All cash donations can be paid to the Q1 Office on or before Back to School Night, or you can pay online here: ONLINE PAYMENTS marking “other” and typing what the donation is for such as: Nelson Supplies, or Nelson Parties, or Nelson Field Trips.
Our first week of school will be August 20-21. These will be short days. Short days will be dismissed at 1pm.
Please continue to read to your child and have them read to you during the summer! The more he/she reads, the better prepared they will be for the upcoming school year
I have attached the link for the Back to School Night Presentation Below for your review and the link for the Parking Lot Procedures video. If you would like to meet please email me and we can make arrangements.
Throughout the year if we need to contact you directly we will use the contact information you provided in Aspire. Please make sure it remains up-to-date. Thank you! Click here to check your contact information: Aspire Gradebook