Today in science we learned about how animals communicate and especially dolphins. We were all so excited to learn about dolphins and wanted to know more! Click this link to go to Clearwater Aquarium to learn more: Clearwater Aquarium
Author Archives: amy.nelson
Sept. 11-15
- Friday – Reading Test (Describe the characters response to a problem)
- Sept. 18 – Cookie Dough Fundraiser kicks off
- Sept. 26 – Uniform Picture Day
Reading in Class: How do friends depend on each other?
STRATEGY: We are talking about visualizing the characters and how the characters respond to challenges.
PHONICS: short a and long a (a_e)

High Frequency Words: another, done, into, move, now, show, too, water, year, your
Math in Class: We will be learning about bar graphs and picture graphs.

Reading Passages (optional, but highly encouraged!!) :
**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them and then ask them questions!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal. It is so important to read every day and ask fact finding questions from the story to develop your student’s comprehension; this is key to meeting the end of the year benchmark goals for 2nd grade.
Picture Day

Happy Birthday, Corbin!

This Week
- Sept. 18 – Cookie Dough Fundraiser kicks off
- Don’t forget to sign up for your child’s student led Parent Teacher Conference using this link: October Parent Teacher Conference Sign Ups
- Make sure you’ve signed the Yearly Food Permission Form link here: Yearly Food Permission Slip
Reading in Class: How do friends depend on each other?
STRATEGY: We are talking about visualizing the characters and how the characters respond to challenges.

Math in Class: Using addition and subtraction within 20 to solve 1-step word problems.

Reading Passages (optional, but highly encouraged!!) :
**Please read with your child. Make it enjoyable and fun. You can even read to them and then ask them questions!! 20 minutes a day is a great goal. Your child is asked to bring home their decodables to read for review every week in addition to completing their reading fluency passages page from Monday. These stories can be read and returned for class money to use at class store. If they read them 3 times out loud with you, please sign it and have them bring it back in their folder on Fridays. It is so important to read every day and ask fact finding questions from the story to develop your student’s comprehension; this is key to meeting the end of the year benchmark goals for 2nd grade.
Happy Birthday, Carter!

Happy Birthday, Winsley!

Happy Birthday, Hank!

Happy Birthday, Dawson!

Hello 2nd graders! I hope you have had an awesome summer! I am excited to meet you!
Back to School Night will be held on Monday, August 14th, from 6-8 pm. Presentations will be given every 30 minutes starting at 6:00 pm, with the final session beginning at 7:30 pm. Our classroom is in the east hallway, Room 115.
The First Day of School is Wednesday, August 16th. The first three days (August 16-18) are early out days with dismissal at 1:10 pm.
Here are a couple of things you can do now to prepare:
- Please subscribe to my blog by clicking on the icon to the right and inputting your email address. (There seems to be an issue with the subscribe software, IT is investigating. I suggest bookmarking my blog until the issue can be resolved)
- Parents and students, please read through the Class Disclosure together and sign the form Class Disclosure e-Signature .
- Parent Survey: The following link is a short survey to help me get to know your child better. Please take a few moments to fill it out. Parent Survey
- Parents, please pay a class supply donation of $35 here: Online Payments, marking “Other” and typing “Nelson Supplies.” You can also pay in the Q1 Office. Please do so on or before Back to School Night and I will have taken care of all the shopping, labeling, and organizing of class supplies before back to school night.
- Fill out the Yearly Permission Slip
- Sign up for your child’s student led Parent Teacher Conference appointment. Your student will be presenting to you at their parent teacher conference Wednesday, October 25th or Thursday, October 26th. Please sign up using this link for an appointment for your student: Fall Parent Teacher Conferences
Additionally, students will need to bring the following items on the first day of school:
- Headphones or earbuds–labeled with the student’s name. Parents will be responsible to replace broken or damaged headphones/earbuds throughout the year. We use headphones multiple times throughout the day in the classroom. Please try to find the highest-quality headphones possible.
- Water bottle–Student may bring a small water bottle that they can have with them throughout the day.
The $35 donation will provide each student with:

1- Mead brand Primary Journal
• 12 pencils *the Ticonderoga pencils are best but any will be fine PLEASE sharpen them
and no mechanical pencils or pencils with designs
• 2-4 large pink pearl erasers
• 6 black ink ultra-fine tip Expo markers
• 2 magic erasers
• 1 container of Clorox wipes
• 1 pair scissors (kids safety scissors)
• 1 box of 24 Crayola crayons-washable (only 24 pack and no sharpeners please)
• 1 box 24 pack Crayola colored pencils (no sharpeners please)
• 4 red ball point pens
• 2 boxes of tissues
Girls: Gallon sized zip lock bags
Boys: Sandwich size zip Lock bags
A standard-sized back pack.
Please do not purchase the smaller-sized backpacks, as your student will be frustrated at
not being able to fit books and papers neatly inside. Book bags tend to be difficult for
students to carry, especially when carrying heavy items. Please do not purchase
backpacks on wheels – these are surprisingly difficult for your student to navigate while
walking in a line down the hallways.
*2 PLASTIC folders with inside pockets on both sides as well as the three brads in the
middle. One orange, and one light blue. The orange folder will be your child’s “Take Home”
folder, so please purchase a sturdy one that will last throughout the year being carried
to and from school.
*1 set of over-the-ear headphones for personal use with laptops in the classroom.
Please get a nice sound proof headphone that will last all year. Over the year head
phones are the best kind to buy please do not bring ear bud head phones.
*If you last name starts with A-J please bring paper towels. If your last name starts with K-Z
please bring a large container of hand sanitizer.
- A water bottle: Students need to keep hydrated and I am asking they bring in a water bottle
that they are able to open by themselves. This helps immensely with bathroom breaks to the
Additional donations will be asked for field trips and parties which can be made at the front
office for the year or donated as they come up. I will be asking for supplies or donations as
needed within the classroom.
Extra Donations are always welcome with the following items:
• Clorox wipes
• Tissues
• Expo markers
• Glue sticks
• Paper towels
• Reams of copy paper
• Construction paper
• Colored paper
If you would rather purchase these items yourself, please send me an email prior to school beginning.
Please note, these are the only supplies allowed; anything else will be sent home.
Additional donations for field trips and class parties may be requested as their respective dates approach, if you would like to donate now, we request $12 for parties and $8 for field trips.
Please email me with any questions or concerns you may have. We’re going to have an incredible year!
See you soon!
-Mrs. Nelson