Happy Birthday, Macadie!

Our Hogle Zoo Field Trip is nearly here, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10th. Here are a few things to know before we go:
1- We appreciate those who have already made their field trip donation to cover the bus transportation costs. If you haven’t please pay your $8.00 donation to the Q1 office to cover the transportation – the cost to hire the buses is very expensive. We greatly appreciate you! Thank you for your generosity!
2- Wear school uniform with RED shirt with their uniform, sunscreen applied and good walking shoes! Please dress for the weather. The weather forecast is predicting rain, please dress appropriately for that possibility.
3- Bring a cold sack lunch from home in a disposable bag with your child’s name. Everything must be completely disposable. If your child is eating school lunch, we have provided the lunch staff with your student’s information off of the Hogle Zoo permission form for their lunch last week.
4- Be on time. Students must be at school by 8:30am. The bus departs promptly at 8:45am. We will leave the zoo at 1:00pm, returning to Quest between 2:00-2:15pm.
5- Parent chaperones: Please bring a backpack or bag to carry the lunches of the students in your group. And a lunch for yourself. No chaperones are allowed on the bus, please meet us at the zoo at 9:30am, with your purchased ticket if you were not notified by me via email that your entrance fee is covered. The zoo address is 2600 E. Sunnyside Avenue, Salt Lake, UT, 84108.
Reading in Class:
Math in Class: -We are learning about comparing lengths and finding the difference. We will most likely test on Wednesday. Then we will be solving word problems that involve length.
Hello, Quest Families!
Please watch this video of one of our Quest Families. We’ll be celebrating World Down Syndrome Day by wearing mismatched socks on Tuesday, March 21st. Thanks! Join us and wear mismatched socks on Tuesday, March 21st and celebrate two of our amazing Questie’s—Asher and Jefferson!
Quest Families,
As many of you are aware, there are winter warnings and advisories about today’s and tomorrow’s winter storm. The recommendation has been to avoid commuting or traveling tomorrow morning, as the roads are predicted to be unsafe. Due to these advisories and the distance many of our families and employees travel to attend Quest, students will be learning from home tomorrow. In the jr. high, students will access assignments and other learning resources via their Google classrooms—it is not necessary to login to Google Meet. Students are welcome to email teachers with any questions they have regarding their posted assignments. Elementary students have learning packets that were sent home previously to provide learning from home in these situations. However, please watch for additional resources to come home today with Q1 students. Their teachers will be contacting you shortly via their blogs or email.
Please note that we will watch conditions closely over the next couple of days to determine student learning on Thursday (late start, learning from home, regular school day, etc.). Thanks so much for all you do. We hope your families stay safe!
**Please pull out your student’s REMOTE DAY PACKET that we sent home earlier this year and work on it tomorrow and/or Thursday. As well as the paperwork that we sent home today. Make sure they have a total of 30 minutes and at least 6 units in Lexia by Wednesday and 45 minutes and 9 units by Thursday. iReady math they should have a total of 30 minutes by Wednesday and 45 minutes minutes on Thursday **if we end up with a remote learning day on Thursday as well.
They may also get a green light in Reflex each day and work in Wonders, too.